Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lexi Thompson. A 65 today in a place that you've said feels kind of like home for you, a very comfortable environment. Just walk me through what clicked, especially on the front nine today?

LEXI THOMPSON: Just kind of got into a groove of things. This is a golf course you know you have to come out and play aggressive and make lots of birdies. Just came out feeling very comfortable, made a few good swings, and rolled in some putts.

Just got in a groove and tried to keep the pedal down as much as I could out there.

Q. To be able to do what you did between 4 and 9, especially with that eagle on No. 8, did something feel different about those holes? Did it feel like everything in the game was clicking today?

LEXI THOMPSON: I would say definitely on the greens I feel like I was really pinpointing a spot on the greens that I wanted to roll it over and really visualizing my lines. Played solid the whole day. Maybe a few errant shots on the back nine, but that's going to happen. It's kind of hard to keep a 7-under going through the first nine.

So tried my best and I had a lot of fun, especially with the fans out there.

Q. That birdie on 17, walk me through your decision making on that one.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, on 7 I hit a great drive and ended up rolling through the fairway there. That's fairway a pretty slanted, so just was trying to give myself a birdie look for 15, 20 feet, whatever I could. Ended up having about a 20-footer or so and broke quite a bit, but picked a good spot with my caddie, Mark, and felt good about it and put a good stroke on it and that's all I could do.

Yeah, right center, rolled it in.

Q. Revisit that stretch on the front. Can you take us through some of the key shots?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, so what was it, 4, the par-5? Hit a good drive there. Had 252 front. I knew if I hit a good 3-wood up there it would roll quite a bit. Rolled it up to about 30 feet, hit it to about two feet, and made (audio cut out.)

Next hole, par-3 up the hill, hit a 50-degree to about three feet; made birdie.

And then next hole hit a good tee shot. Hit another 5-degree to about 15 feet; made it.

Next hole, par-3, I hit a 7-iron to about 15, 18 feet and made it.

And then next hole I hit good drive and had 202 pin, hit 4-iron to about two feet; made birdie.

Then 9 -- sorry, I'm like -- 9 I hit driver and then I hit a -- I think it was a 9 or a wedge.

No, definitely wasn't a 9 or a wedge. It was a 7-iron. That's close. Trying to think of my stat card right now. Hit a 7-iron to about 15, 20 feet and rolled it in.

Q. You've had great stretches of golf. Where would that one rank in there?

LEXI THOMPSON: Definitely up there. One of my best stretches I think I've had on the golf course. Just the golf is one thing, but just how I felt out there, very comfortable and relaxed, just enjoyed being out there.

I think that's what this week really brings, just the atmosphere, and I think we all do enjoy coming back and playing here in Grand Rapids.

Q. As you announced at the Open, it's going to be your last kind of go-around as full time player.


Q. Can your victory lap include a victory?

LEXI THOMPSON: Well, I hope so. I'm just taking one shot and one tournament at time. Of course I want to finish the year strong.

A lot of golf to be played, but we'll see. A lot of golf tomorrow, so we'll see what it brings.

Q. You were really smiling out there on the back nine. You don't always see that with golfers. You were having a tremendous amount of fun. When you play loose is that when you play your best?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I would say so. It's something that I've definitely struggled with. Helps to be playing well with the front nine and everything.

But I've been trying to just be easier on myself, give myself grace. It's a new week with a new caddie with Mark on my bag. He's super positive, and I think that's what I need by my side. Even through the hard types.

But I just enjoy coming back to this tournament and really embracing the fans. I mean, they're amazing.

Q. Is there something you took from the game, it's going to be a Lexi day tomorrow? With the fresh start, if I do this. You think about that at all? If I do this tomorrow my mental approach with the certain club or certain situation, you ever think that far ahead?

LEXI THOMPSON: No. I just try to stay as present as I can. You know, especially shot by shot really just focus on my routine and visualize the golf shots.

Even before I get to the golf course I make sure I get a good night's rest and do my whole routine back at the house to make sure I'm fully ready and rested and come out here and do the best I can. That's all I can do.

Q. Can you just talk about you won this tournament before. How does it feel with the round that you had today that you have a fighting chance and a good chance to win tomorrow to cap off your career here?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, it's a tournament that I've absolutely loved throughout my career. I think it's one of the spots that all of us players really enjoy coming back to. I don't know what position I'm at today, how many I'm behind for that matter.

I'm just going to come out tomorrow and just do my best, focus on my game and my mental approach for each and every shot. That's all I can do. Of course I want to win, but there is a lot of golf, so I can just go out there, give it my all, and see where that takes me.

Q. You were just talking about the fans there. Did they give you an extra lift going through that stretch?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, they always do, good or bad. I think the fans are probably the best here. We get some amazing crowds and big crowds, which is great to see. But, yeah, when I was on my stretch, they were running to the next hole, that's for sure. It's just great to see everybody out here supporting women's golf.

That's what we want, to grow the game, and it's great to see multiple people out here.

Q. Anna Nordqvist was just in here before you. She said she played in the group behind you. Even she was feeding off the fans' reaction to what you guys were doing. Must have been feeling the love out there.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I do. That's why I love coming back to this tournament. Even if I haven't played well here some of the years, the fans are always the same. Always so supportive and loving.

Just the tournament in general, the way it gives back to the community and how the community gives back to this tournament, comes out to support us, that's what we love to see. I think that's why we all thoroughly enjoy coming back though this event.

Q. Some of your tour contemporaries told me this feels like a major as far as the size and excitement and number of people.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I said say so. With the number of fans out here and the hospitality that not only we receive but how the fans get treated out there, there is a play zone, like a fan area for food and beverage and everywhere, multiple grandstands.

So it's just great to see the buildup that the Meijer builds up for this event. That's what we love.

Q. You've been pretty open about your struggles with your mental issues and physical appearance. You are now a PGA ambassador for the youngsters. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to them if they want to choose to compete as you have done?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I always say any advice that I give young kids getting involved with the game is just to keep on enjoying it. Golf can be a hard game sometimes because it can never be perfected. It's always an ongoing challenge and learning process. So it's a matter of giving yourself grace in those hard times and not getting too hard on yourself. There will be great days and some bad days as well.

It's an ongoing process, but just find the love for the game and keep on loving it and just be grateful for the opportunity to be able to have a club in your hand.

Q. We had the opportunity to play with Nancy Lopez tournament here not too far from here. She said that she loves playing golf still. She said most people that retire, as you will be, don't really like to. Do you plan on playing golf in the future just for fun?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I would like to. I definitely think I'll enjoy the game when I'm not competing as well. When I can just go out there and goof off and have some fun with some friends, I think I will enjoy that. Might take a little bit because I am so competitive and a perfectionist, but it'll take some time but looking forward to those moments.

Q. We'll miss you out here next year and wish you luck out there tomorrow.


Q. What is your proudest moment of your career? We've been watching you for a long time. You look fantastic. Please tell us your proudest moment.

LEXI THOMPSON: My proudest moment, I would say the two biggest are probably getting my first win at the Navistar LPGA Classic, and with my dad on the bag. As far as a special moment, to be able to get the first win under your belt it's always a big process, a learning process, too.

So it's a great step to have. To have my dad by my side, it was a moment like no other. I think we were both crying.

Besides that, probably winning my first major and jumping into Poppy's Pond with my whole family. It's a moment I always dreamed of, and happy that I was able to do that and share it with them.

Q. Speaking of majors, going forward do you plan on still playing in majors? What's the long-term goal?

LEXI THOMPSON: I'm just taking it day by day honestly. Going into next year, would be a possibility. Just going to see how I feel and see I guess where my game is at.

Going into next year I'm just going to give myself the time to just relax and see where I'm at. If I want to, I want to. If I don't, I don't.

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