Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Ally Ewing after her third round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Take us through the round today, some of the tricky parts and the highlights.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, it was a little bit of a scramble today. I made some really good putts to just kind of hang in early. Grace got rolling towards the end and I just kind of didn't hit it great towards the end of the round.

Then missed a couple putts that I needed to make.

So, you know, all in all got around at 1-under and I'm -- I think I'm T2. Go try to post a good number tomorrow.

Q. This morning when you started, or this afternoon when you started, you were the last group off. Did you look at the leaderboard before and sort of see what other people were shooting and some of the low rounds going?

ALLY EWING: When we got around to hole 3 I noticed that Lexi was rolling really well, so that was the only thing that I really noticed. I was just kind of trying to roll along and take care of what I was doing.

It was taking a lot of effort today to just take care of my business.

So it was a grind and we are still in an okay spot for tomorrow.

Q. Knowing there is a lot of birdies out here, does that make you just feel better about being a few shots back, knowing this whole course can be super birdieable?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think so. You take -- golf is so different each day. Shot 9-under yesterday and then today working hard to shoot 1-under.

So you just trust in everything you've done leading up to this. I know I'm playing really good golf. Today just didn't really show it.

So I'll bring my best tomorrow, and no matter what, I'll always compete until the very end. No matter what the scoreboard says at the end of the day tomorrow I'll be happy with the fact that I always compete.

Q. Last question: I know you have a big group following you, big contingent out here. Tell me a little bit about them.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, so my rookie year, 2017, signed up for host housing and got connected with this great family and now every year that I come back -- they haven't kicked me out yet, so I guess I'm not doing too many things wrong.

They come out full support and it's great. Michigan is a long way from Mississippi, and to have a nice group following me around is a lot of fun. They're awesome.

Q. Seems like lots of players have great host families out here.


Q. Seems like almost everyone I talk to has some sort of family. What does it say about the area and the event in general?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, it says a lot. I think it's one things to open your homes to people, but also another thing to come out and support like they do.

Meijer, the tournament, we know for years has drawn a great crowd. You talk to a lot of players that do host housing, and that just goes to show the community has a ton of support for the tournament and also open their homes for us.

It's really nice to be out of a hotel room for a week in someone's home and home cooked meals. Means a lot.

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