Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Ally, thanks for coming in here.


Q. Just talk about this fight that you had today from the getgo.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I mean, what a good start. I knew I probably needed a hot start it kind of chase down Grace with such a substantial lead to start the day.

So being 4-under through six holes, certainly right where I wanted to be. 5-under through eight.

So, yeah, I mean, the wind was kind of swirly, but it was -- you know, I had a chance to make a putt on the last hole to potentially force a playoff, which now we know would've forced a playoff.

And at the end of the day that's what you compete for, a chance to win the golf tournament. I've got a lot of the really good positives to take away this week, and I see my game in a really good places; handling pressure down the stretch.

So, yeah, super happy for the fight I showed today.

Q. Were there any nerves on 18? Did you kind of know what that putt might have gone towards or did you just focus in on the putt and just what was ahead of you?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I knew I needed to make it so I paced it off. I told my caddie 57 feet. You know, actually when I hit the -- I knew hitting the shot, my second shot into 18, that I needed an eagle.

So 57 feet is a little bit further than you would like to have, but an eagle putt is an eagle putt. I grazed the hole, so couldn't ask for much better of a putt other than it going in.

Q. We've seen you make every cut this season so far. You've been on a very consistent level. What does a performance like this do for your confidence ahead of a major?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I mean, I feel like coming off the U.S. Open I played really solid. I had a really good weekend. Come here on a golf course that I've -- think I've had a couple Top 10s here before.

It's such a great tournament. I stay with a great host family and they're so welcoming to me all week. You know, my host mom makes me some energy balls for me to bring to the golf course.

So just a really, really good home away from home for me in terms of being on the road, welcoming family, great golf course. Meijer puts on a great tournament. We have great crowds.

Yeah, I feel really great about this week. Certainly you want to win. You don't know how many chances you're going to get coming down the stretch to win a golf tournament, but at the end of the day I'm going to do everything I can to compete. That's what I did. Just left me a little short today.

Q. What will you focus on in your game heading into a major week like KPMG and at Sahalee?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I did not play that year, but from what I know, it's going to be, you know, the big trees, tree-lined fairways.

So I probably want to tighten it up off the tee a little bit more. I know it's going to be demanding off the tee, approach shots. It's a major championship, so it's going to test every part of your game.

But certainly for me, when I get started, if i hit a lot of fairways I know I probably put myself in a pretty good position to score.

And I've built a lot of the confidence in my short game the last couple weeks. I got some really big balls up and down. I made some really big putts.

So just seeing that kind of stuff always gives me more confidence into the next week.

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145357-1-1041 2024-06-16 20:15:00 GMT

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