Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lexi Thompson. Just what a day out there for you. As you walk away from the playoff, what are some thoughts you have of this incredible day?

LEXI THOMPSON: It was an amazing day out there. You know, the golf is one thing, but just to be able to play in front of all amazing fans, especially coming down the stretch and on the playoff holes. I don't think I've heard cheers like that unless it's like Solheim Cup, which is just an amazing feeling. I got chills every time.

And the other girls played some amazing golf and Lilia played amazing and just well-deserved win. So many positives to take from the week, so just going to build on that.

Q. Going into today obviously knowing there was that five-shot lead in front of you, what was the mentality? I know you've been saying this week you're really thinking of one shot ahead and taking it with grace and thinking about and staying present in the moment. Was there an extra aggressiveness inside you wanting to catch what Grace had?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, knowing I was five shots behind starting the day I knew I had to have the pedal down and make a lot of birdies from the jump. I can only control what I can control, so I just tried to focus one shot at a time and play within myself and my emotions.

That's all I could do. Whatever happens with the result happened, so happy with the result. A lot of good things to take from this week, especially with the results I've had lately.

So a lot of positives and going to continue to work hard on it.

Q. The first birdie of the day on 18, the one that got you into the playoff, did you know on 18 where you stood?

LEXI THOMPSON: (Smiling.) Yeah, I knew I had to chip it in, that made it harder to see it stop and end short. I mean, it was a great chip, so I'm not going to complain.

It was an amazing feeling just to end on birdie and get in that playoff.

Q. Yeah. And the playoff in general, what were the emotions you had being in this spot? Again, when is the last time you've maybe felt those emotions?

LEXI THOMPSON: I don't feel like I've been in a final group in a minute. I know Arizona I was somewhat close but I don't think I was in the final group.

Yeah, it's been a while of having those emotions. Maybe Solheim Cup and having those emotions coming down the stretch and making the putts when needed.

So it's always a great feeling to be able to pull off the shots under pressure and when it matters most. Just shows your hard work is paying off and you're in control.

Q. Just to have your dad out for Father's Day, to be at this tournament for every father's day in general, to have the crowd almost getting it done -- almost the victory lap there, but what does it mean to have this type of performance, especially after announcing your pull-back from full-time play?

LEXI THOMPSON: It means a lot. I announced stepping away from full-time schedule professional golf, so I still want to finish this year off strong. I still have about ten or so events after this one.

Q. Yeah.

LEXI THOMPSON: So a lot of golf to be played. I want to finish strong. Every time I tee it up I want to win. I think that's everybody's goal out here.

It's not that I don't have that same mindset and toughness out here. I still love being out here and am enjoying it. So just going to embrace the fans as much as I can, embrace every single moment I have out on the golf course.

Q. How many autographs do you think you signed this week?

LEXI THOMPSON: So many. So many. Which is great. I think this tournament had the most fans I've ever seen at a regular tournament that wasn't a major. It's so amazing to see how this community gets behind this event, and it's truly special.

Q. You talk about making those big putts when you needed to. Going forward what can that do for you?

LEXI THOMPSON: It would just help my confidence, you know, knowing I made those putts and pulled the shots off when I needed to under the pressure. It only helps.

And it only happens when you put yourself in that position multiple times. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you succeed. You learn from the failures and you get through them.

It's not easy. But you have to keep on pushing through because when you pull them off it's a special feeling to have.

Q. Did you think the chip was going in?

LEXI THOMPSON: I definitely did. It was looking good the whole way. (Smiling.) Honestly I probably would've putted it if that sprinkler wasn't in my way, but I guess I'm kind of happy I didn't putt it because I don't think I would've putted it that close.

Q. What did you use on that?

LEXI THOMPSON: I used a 55 degree.

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