The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Yealimi Noh

Quick Quotes

Q. Eagle is a really nice way to start a tournament.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I think it's the first time I've ever done that. I was just like, what? Like okay. It was really cool. Actually my playing partners, they both stuck it, so I was like, oh, I hope I stick it, too, I don't want to be left out, and it went in, so it was nice.

Q. How far out were you?

YEALIMI NOH: I think I was 126 or something.

Q. What club did you use?

YEALIMI NOH: I hit a soft 9 because it was still morning, and I was going to the right of the pin, so yeah, just a really smooth 9 and hit the slope -- I thought it went over, but I couldn't really see, but it came back and it went in.

Q. And then a bunch of birdies after that, including a birdie here on 18. You've got to be really proud about this round.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, for sure. I honestly just wanted to finish good because starting off with an eagle is always like -- you want to play well and take advantage of that early start.

Yeah, it was a little slow at the turn, but then I got some putts in and hit a lot of greens today.

Q. I know you played so well last week, too, playing with A Lim. Is that a little bit of overrun from last week?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, for sure, for sure. It was good momentum, and I played well last week and just kind of getting it into this week. I learned a lot from A Lim and I took a lot of positives from her just like her attitude on the course and just how she carries herself, so it was really nice to see that.

Q. You played really well here two years ago, as well, when you made your debut. You were Top 40 --

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, was I pro then?

Q. Seems like you've been with us forever.


Q. You did play well; is there something about this course that seems to perhaps fit you?

YEALIMI NOH: More I think just being here. Like it's so beautiful, and when I came back it's been two years, and it was like -- I just forgot how amazing it was, and just being here -- when I'm frustrated during the round you look to the left or to the right and you see the lake and it just calms you down. So happy to be here. It's amazing.

Q. How was the course today? It got like 300 milliliters, a lot of rain in June and four more just over the last week. It looks like it's playing pretty well out there.

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, you wouldn't even know. The first day I got here was a little soft and the greens were still actually really soft, and everyone was like, oh, it's slow, and it did rain a lot, but right now it's rolling really nice and just pure right now.

Q. What was really clicking for you today?

YEALIMI NOH: I hit a lot of greens. I made a few good putts and just played really consistent today. No big errors, just fairway, green, putting. It's always easier said, but it was good, yeah.

Q. It was one of those days where it kind of worked?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I had to fight for it, but it was good.

Q. What were you fighting?

YEALIMI NOH: Well, I wasn't making a few putts after the turn, and I think after I got the eagle my next -- after pars, it was bogey, and I was like, oh, what the heck, you had an eagle. Actually the hole before I had a birdie chance, but it always sucks there. But I had to really fight it mentally, just keep positive, and your chances will come during the round. I think I just stayed really patient today.

Q. What's the takeaway from today that you hope to bring to tomorrow?

YEALIMI NOH: Just starting with an eagle would be great. Very hard. But just again, hit a lot of greens. There's a lot of slopey -- a lot of undulation here, fairways and greens, and I think just staying on the green and trying to putt as much as you can is really good, so just hit a lot of greens, hopefully.

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