The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Emily Pedersen

Quick Quotes

Q. Eagle is always a great way to end a round. You've got to be pretty happy right now.

EMILY PEDERSEN: I'm good. It's obviously a great start to the tournament, and I holed a lot of good putts and a chip today. I've been struggling with my putting, so it's really, really positive to see that I've found something, and it's something that's good going forward, as well.

Q. Are you able to define what "something" is in the putting?

EMILY PEDERSEN: I changed -- at the beginning of the year I changed -- I was doing left below right, then I changed to right below left, and last week I changed to left to below right, so I'm thinking that's the key.

Q. How long was that putt on 18?

EMILY PEDERSEN: It was like 24, 25 feet. Yeah, it was nice.

Q. Overall what was the story of your round?

EMILY PEDERSEN: So I hit it pretty solid. I hit like 11 fairways, 17 greens, and then I holed a lot of good putts. I mean, I would still like to hit somewhat a bit closer, have a bit shorter putts for birdie, but it was just a really solid round, and then it always helps when you hole long putts.

Q. How is the state of your game? How are you feeling as you head into this major week?

EMILY PEDERSEN: I feel good. As I said before, it's only really been the putting that's I've been struggling the last few months, and then it was feeling good coming into this week and felt good today, so I'm hoping to keep that going.

Q. A great start to the week, particularly special to end with an eagle. How happy are you with that one?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Good. I mean, it's great to finish on a high note, and I'd say that was a high note. But I feel good. My game was really solid today, and I found something in the putting that I've been struggling with for a while, so I'm really happy with the day.

Q. Tell us more about that. What have you found in the putting? You had to stay quite patient out there at times.

EMILY PEDERSEN: Yeah, so last year I was putting left below, and at the beginning of this year I thought I was going to change it and putted right below, and then it didn't kind of work out, and then last week I was like let's just go back to what we know, and obviously it worked out really well today.

Q. And talk about the course in general; this is your fifth appearance. You looked very comfortable out there today. Is this a course that you feel you can perform well on and win on?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Yeah, I really like the course. I like coming back here. I think I was 17 the first time I played here, so I just really like it here. I feel like it suits my game well. If I'm hitting it well, it's kind of a ball striker's course, and then obviously if you putt well, it's making things a bit easier.

Q. Have you learnt anything from today's round into tomorrow that you might do slightly differently?

EMILY PEDERSEN: I think maybe -- I think I might try to play the slopes a bit too much. I think I just need to go a bit more on it tomorrow because you get big kicks and the greens are rolling really nice, which means they're just rolling out after kicks, and I think I just need to go more on the pin.

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