The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Sarah Kemp

Quick Quotes

Q. Good day?


Q. Take us through the eagle on the last hole.

SARAH KEMP: I hit a good drive down there, and I hit a 5-wood to about maybe like 30 feet and got a little read off Jasmine. Yeah, went in, so it was great.

Q. To start off a major championship like this has got to be pretty good vibes for the next three days.

SARAH KEMP: Yeah, it's perfect out there. Conditions really favor some -- you can go low for sure. I've been playing solid. My putter was going a little bit cold, but it got hot again today, which was nice. Just a few of those momentum putts haven't been going in, but I did some work the last couple weeks on my speed, and I got it back and made some good ones today. It was nice, very solid.

Q. You had a friendly face on the bag this week?

SARAH KEMP: Yes, my regular caddie dumped me. He wanted to go and caddie in the Women's Senior U.S. Open for a friend, so he told me well in advance. He said, Would you mind if I go and work for a friend at the Women's Senior Open. So yeah, wifey is on the bag for these two weeks, which is nice because it keeps me nice and calm, so that's cool.

Q. She's been over to Europe before?

SARAH KEMP: Yes, she caddied for me in a couple U.S. Open qualifiers, a couple of tournaments in Australia and an LET event in France. It's not our first rodeo, which is nice. She knows how I work. She's really just trying to keep me calm. I do all the work. She thinks she does more than she does. But no, it's been good.

Q. I saw her off the putting green yesterday, and she goes, I don't know why anybody does this for a living.

SARAH KEMP: That sounds about right, yeah. She's looking forward to a Johnnie Walker right now. That's what she's been thinking about the last two holes. She says she's deserved it apparently.

Q. When you bring her out to the hills of Evian Resort Golf Club, it's hard enough just to walk and play 18 holes, let alone carry the bag.

SARAH KEMP: Well, she got the carry bag, so I made it easy for her. I did scare her with how hilly the place was, but to my surprise she said, It's actually not as bad as you made out, so I was like, All right, I should have brought the big bag.

Q. You had three other birdies, 1, 6 and 11. Any of those stand out?

SARAH KEMP: No. 1, I hit a good drive, hit an 8-iron to about maybe 12 feet, made the putt. What was 11? 11, just a good drive, hit a pitching wedge to about 12 feet. What was the other one?

Q. 6.

SARAH KEMP: Oh, yeah, my only bogey of the day was on 5. I hit a hybrid right and got up-and-down for bogey, and then I hit a -- tried to play a bit more aggressive, I think, hitting 3-wood off there, but I thought, No, I just made bogey, give me driver, and I hit a good wedge to about maybe 15 feet.

Q. You obviously didn't play here last year. When you skip a year and you have to come back, do you kind of relearn some things about the course, or is it any different than what you remember it to be?

SARAH KEMP: Not really. I feel like if you've played here three or four times, yeah, it's pretty much the same. It's more just the condition of the -- usually we've played a lot of wet tournaments here, but this is actually -- this is the best condition I've seen it in a really long time. They've done a phenomenal job. Greens are perfect, fairways are perfect.

It's a shame that they're going to get some weather on the weekend because right now it's awesome. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much just, yeah, okay, how much is my ball releasing and how much is it releasing on the fairways, but in terms of everything else, it's playing pretty similar.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110595-1-1002 2021-07-22 16:44:00 GMT

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