The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 23 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Sarah Kemp

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round, 2-under. Anything in the 60s got to feel good. Did it feel good or did you feel like could have been lower?

SARAH KEMP: Yeah, well, I was 4-under on the front and I just bogeyed the last which is the worst bogey to make on 18. It's playing so easy.

But, yeah, look, overall if I had a start of the day and looked at a 2-under, it's really not that bad. I shot 2-over on the back nine which is a little disappointing.

Overall, still a decent day.

Q. You got off to a really hot start; three birdies in your first four holes, Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Let's go through that stretch. What was going on to get it going?

SARAH KEMP: I hit a really good 9-iron to the second; holed about a 12-footer.

3 I hit another good 9-iron to about eight feet; made that.

4 is a really tough hole, so that was like stealing one. Hit a hybrid to maybe 25 feet and made that.

So it was lovely to start that way, that's for sure. A little pressure off the rest of the holes.

But, yeah, it was good.

Q. Did it feel like you almost let your foot off the gas? How did the round change for you?

SARAH KEMP: So the first bogey I made...

Q. First bogey for you was on No. 11.

SARAH KEMP: Yeah, pulled my driver left and actually made a pretty good bogey in the end. So that was just a bad drive. I think it may have rattled me a little bit because I got up and down for par on 12, and then made -- I would say the back nine is tougher, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself.

The front nine has a few more chances definitely. But, yeah, bogey on 18 is just kind of a lack of focus. Just dropped then.

But, yeah, the back plays a little bit tougher overall I would say.

Q. When you can start off the way you did, I would imagine gave you some cushion to where it doesn't feel as bad as maybe it seems.

SARAH KEMP: Yeah, I would assume that other than like Lee6, there is people making some bogeys out there.

So, you can -- like 16 you can make -- have a birdie or you can make seven really easily. So it's nice to get off to a cushion and swing freely for the rest of the day.

Q. Speaking of Lee6, we've seen a 61 out here in this championship and she matches that today. That number is obviously out there. Who would've thought?

SARAH KEMP: No, I guess the course is probably in the best condition we've ever played it, and the greens are a little bit receptive so you can throw it at a few of the -- no, that's phenomenal golf. I kept looking at the scoreboard and she was like 7-under, 8-under, 9-under. I thought she was playing another golf course.

So that he is phenomenal. Really, really good.

Q. What's the game plan for the weekend? You want to keep continuing to score well, but anything that you're hoping to fine tune or just tweak to make sure you can do that?

SARAH KEMP: Just probably keep doing the same thing. I didn't do any practice after the round yesterday. Just wanted to get in and rest. I'll definitely do some putting and hit a few balls.

Didn't hit my nice draw as much as I -- especially on the back nine today, so go figure that out a little and just really rest up. Going to be a big weekend.

Q. Good reads from the caddie today?

SARAH KEMP: No, no, none of that. Zach just said any good reads from the caddie today. I was like, Nope.

CADDIE: They were all good reads from the caddie. She just didn't listen to me.

SARAH KEMP: No, she's there for my entertainment, making me laugh. That's what she does well.

Q. After a first round 67; second round 69. The prescription shades look cool, I got tell you. Speaking of cool, your caddie, reliable information comes from your caddie. All your good tournaments this year are because the putter works for you. Is that the case this week?

SARAH KEMP: I would say yes, yeah. I did a lot of work in the off-season with my pace, so I feel like I've always had a decent stroke but my pace has been off, just inconsistent in the last couple years.

Off-season did heaps of work and it's definitely paid off this year. It's been really nice.

Q. You say the last couple years. It seems like you have been trending in a positive direction for those last few years. Is this a case of always trying to get better and finally seeing results steadily throughout out course of the process?

SARAH KEMP: I think I -- unfortunately I call myself a little bit of an inconsistent golfer, and this year I've been a little bit more consistent. Missed a couple cuts, but overall things have been a lot more consistent.

So it's quite a tough thing to practice, but just doing the same things and working really hard on it I think is -- probably a little bit more hard work has paid off these last couple years for sure.

Q. When you come to this slice of heaven that is Evian and the course is in magnificent shape, stunningly beautiful here, does it key you up to want to play good golf even more?

SARAH KEMP: It's actually really calming. Sure, good golf, but it relaxes you more than anything. Having bogeys and looking out to Lake Geneva is not a bad thing at all.

So I would say of all the golf courses we play, I probably feel the calmest I've ever been at this place of it's just so beautiful and I bet a lot of girls have the same answer as that.

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