The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 23 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ariya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. When you got to the course today and saw what Jeongeun Lee6 had done, did that motivate you to try and put something really special together?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: The way she play is so impress. Actually I watch her play this morning because she finish before I play. Like she made like everything is and it's major so the course is so tough.

She was 10-under, so amazing.

Q. Your second straight day of finishing with an eagle. I know there are a lot of cliches we can use as broadcasters about making dinner taste that much better, but when you do something like that does the confidence skyrocket overnight?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I'm pretty lucky to make eagle last hole. I feel good making right now. Just few thing I want to keep working on that.

Q. Was it the same as yesterday? You said you wanted to work on some stuff even after a good, sold round yesterday. You had a great round today. We have to think from outside looking in that things are starting to pay off.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I will say mostly that just like my commitment. I feel like I'm getting better today but I feel like it's can still like get better.

Q. How much are you looking forward to the weekend in pursuit of your third major championship?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: You know, every time I'm here I feel like the course so tough, even it's so amazing. Only goal is I just want to make the cut, so I make the cut, so nothing can beat that. Just enjoy the last two days.

Q. Atthaya, she's playing so well and also Pajaree. What's getting into Thai golf right now? Why is it so good?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: We have lots of golfer and of course we have the best golf course in Thailand, and the way they play is really inspiring me also.

I'm pretty sure not going to be only two of them, so the Thai players keep coming.

Q. When you were a kid there weren't a lot of female Thai golfers for them to look up to. You're not much older than them, but they look up to you. You're not that old. If you're old ancient. How cool is that to see the kids that you saw and really paved the way for up here with you competing?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: You know, I feel is great, and especially Atthya. When I look at her age I'm like, Oh, I'm almost ten years older than her.

But the way they play, the way they work so hard, like 10 time more than me. So I feel like so impressed.

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