The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 23 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Lydia, 6-under today. We were just watching the highlights on the board up there. When you show up and you see the score of Jeongeun Lee6, does it put a different kind of pressure on you?

LYDIA KO: Actually I saw it when the saw the leaderboards as I was playing and I was like, Okay, and I was 1-over at that point. So I felt like I was being lapped quite a few times.

But we've had such beautiful weather and the course is drying out, so a lot of our drives are going much further than any other times, and with short are clubs coming in it obviously makes it a little easier to attack the pins, especially on undulating greens.

But I tried my best out there. Obviously not comparable to 6's score, but you just got to play your own game and see where that finishes you at the end of the day.

Q. But you knew you had to play a good solid round today in order to give yourself a chance on the weekend. What will be the game plan still trying to make up six shots with two days remaining?

LYDIA KO: First thing, hopefully it stays dry and beautiful like this.

Q. Forecast is improving. We've been told multiple times.

LYDIA KO: That's good, so that's a plus. Yeah, you know, being I been hitting the ball really well leading up to this week and yesterday was kind of scrappy, but today felt like I hit it a lot better and my irons were good.

I just think kind of play with trust and conviction and just hit it aggressively and just believe in myself and enjoy it.

Q. All-Star leaderboard heading into the weekend. We wish you the best and thank you.

LYDIA KO: Thank you.

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110661-1-1041 2021-07-23 16:26:00 GMT

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