The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about the day. A nice six birdies, 5-under.


Q. And you had a nice start, bogey on the front nine. Let's start on that front nine and how you got it going and rolling early.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, my long game was a lot better today, very steady, and I gave myself a lot more chances. Still missed a few. But it's a much more consistent round.

I was really happy with the front nine there?

Q. How about the back nine?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, kind of put the brakes on a little bit. Unfortunate bogey, lack of concentration on the second shot. I kind of made sure I didn't do that again.

Yeah, I was really happy to get a birdie on the last and it was a good two-putt, so steady round.

Q. Seemed like the pin positions, I walked at least the front nine, looked mor challenging than any other day. Would you agree?

GEORGIA HALL: I think yesterday was very tough. They were not as bad I don't think today. There was a few that were tricky for sure, that were very hard, but I personally found that yesterday they were very tucked on different slopes, so tried to take advantage of them today.

Q. First off, from your memory is this one of your better rounds at Evian?

GEORGIA HALL: I've actually played pretty well at Evian. Had a couple top 10s in this is my fourth time I think here.

So I've had some fairly low rounds. Probably maybe (indiscernible) I think.

Q. Uh-huh. Would you say each time you come here you kind of learn something new to help you feel more comfortable?

GEORGIA HALL: I feel pretty comfortable here. It's pretty tight in places. Can be a tricky course if you haven't got your game. But I really enjoy the views and the scenery, so, yeah, I'm very happy.

Q. Where do you feel your game is at and what would be your ideal finish at Evian tomorrow?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I been playing well for the last couple months and had some good results, so I feel I'm playing well. I'm not sure where this will put me at the end the round, at the end of the day, but hopefully if I can sneak -- you know, I mean, Top 5 would be fantastic but definitely Top 10 I would aim for.

Q. I would say top 5 is not out of the realm of possibility for you by any means.


Q. Any regrets about missing the Olympics, and why did you not want to go having said in the past that it was a goal of yours?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, no, no regrets whatsoever. Actually in the past couple weeks I've had more and more players pull out and I've heard it's getting tougher over there with COVID, so I'm even happier that I didn't play.

And, yeah, I would say in the past looking towards the Olympics, to be an Olympian, when I said it maybe like a year ago it would've been nice to play. It would've been a goal to play.

But as it got closer and I've been in the U.S. for so long this year, I really want to stay in Europe. I've really wanted to -- as the year went on I saw how tight it was for the Scottish and British and I didn't realized, I didn't quite realize back then because I didn't really look at the dates as you would. But they're very tight, and my priority was the Scottish and British Open, so that's why I didn't play.

Q. We're in that heart of the schedule where you've got to pick and choose.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, everyone is going to choose one event. I know quite a few players haven't played Evian, which is a major, so it's just up to what one you miss.

Q. And do you feel maybe that you're at a point in your career too where there is another one a few years down the road?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, well, hopefully be playing golf in the next one. Still pretty young, so, yeah, I think when Paris comes around schedule-wise I'll be looking to play if I get in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110681-1-1041 2021-07-24 12:35:00 GMT

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