The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Yealimi Noh

Quick Quotes

Q. Yealimi, six birdies today. You saved maybe half of them for -- saved the best for last down the stretch. Three straight over the final three holes. Let's start with that. What was going on to will you up the leaderboard?

YEALIMI NOH: I think I was kind of like in a rut I guess, like hitting my iron shots. After the turn I wasn't hitting it as well, especially on -- when my ball is above my feet I was having a little trouble. I was pushing it and pulling it, so I couldn't get it right.

Anyway, I wasn't hitting it that close. I think the shot on No. 16 really boosted my confidence because I was hitting a lot of like left-to-right shots today, a lot of little cuts, but it wasn't working the way I wanted to.

That hole I was debating whether or not I should do that again, but I trusted it and it turned out really good. So gave me a lot of confidence for the next couple.

Q. The tee shot or the birdie putt?

YEALIMI NOH: Tee shot.

Q. I was looking at some of your stats earlier today and you made -- since you first played in 2018 at CP you made 33 cuts in 38 events, so you made the cut 87% of the time.


Q. What is about your comfortability out here and being able to stay consistent? I'm sure you want maybe some higher finishes, but you found a consistency early in your career to where you're out here playing the weekend week in and week out.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, usually my ball striking is really good and that's what saves me. I hit a lot of greens. Before my scores weren't like really up and down because it was really consistent the way hit it and my putting was good that week. That's when I finished really well.

So I always was able to rely on my ball striking. The beginning of the this year it was really bad, like the worst it's ever been. It took me by surprise, and just trying to get through that and find -- I don't know, because my swing coach -- I have a swing coach for like ten years so nothing changed.

I think a lot of it was mentally and just adjusting. Yeah, usually my ball striking.

Q. When do you feel you kind of got out of that state?

YEALIMI NOH: It was on and off because it was there sometimes. Like one round I showed my old self and I was like, Oh, I got it. Then next round it wouldn't, and it was really hard to juggle back and forth.

I started hitting it better. KPMG was pretty good, and then last week play with A Lim was really, really good for me. Everyone around me was saying that it was really good week not just because of the results, but just mentally and just gaining my confidence back.

Q. Do you feel that you kind of came out of the week a little different?

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, yeah, for sure. 100%. I was like, Okay, because before I was like, I think it's back, my game is back, and then I would be crushed when it doesn't show. Then last week it was just I had a partner there to support me and everyone extra doubles the support, so to keep it going was like, Okay, now I can say that I'm hitting it better. It's back.

Q. You're chasing what would be your first Top 10 in a major. You've put yourself a great position to make a run tomorrow. Four back of the lead; solo second right now.


Q. How exciting is that? You've put yourself near the top of a lot of leaderboards in the last few years, but to kind of have that, this moment for you, what is it like?

YEALIMI NOH: It's really exciting, and, I mean, I'm looking forward to it. Obviously it's going to be a long day. It's going to be a lot of -- it's going to be tough mentally. It's my eighth week in a row which is my first time doing that. It's definitely tiring, so my body is kind of getting there.

But I'm hoping that I can fight it out mentally and just rest and just play my game tomorrow. I don't want to think about chasing. If it gets there, then it will.

Q. Week off next week?


Q. No? You're playing Ireland?

YEALIMI NOH: Week off after that finally.

Q. Okay, so you got nine in a row.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, almost -- is that two months? Yeah, two months.

Q. Over two months, yeah.

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, my God.

Q. A little over two months.

YEALIMI NOH: Everyone is like, You're young, it's okay, but I'm still a person. I get tired. I'm just to get through every day.

Q. It's still a lot of wear and tear and travel across to Europe.


Q. Three majors in that, or two, three majors in that time.


Q. Last one I have for you: Just when you look at, you know, like a lot of people when they come out -- you didn't really play anything besides the LPGA. You didn't play Symetra. You played a couple WAPT events here and there, but you didn't play the Symetra to prepare for this. You came out here and were able to adjust quickly. What is it that the bright lights on this stage aren't too bright for you? What is about that you can put that to the side?

YEALIMI NOH: I think I'm able to stay calm throughout the round most of time. I mean, just in general under the pressure I'm good at staying calm and just playing my game and letting it get to where it is. And like obviously finishing well at a couple LPGA events early in my career gave me the confidence right away to be like, Okay, I can do it out here. Not just once, but twice. So that's mainly what drives me.

Q. Do you remember an event that you look back on maybe early on in the career where you're like, That was one that really helped me out?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I think Portland and Thornberry, my best finishes. You know, Thornberry was my first LPGA, and then Portland, to do it again, just contend was really big. I always look back on that to give me that confidence.

I did it then, couple years ago when I wasn't even half to where I am like game-wise. Like I wasn't -- I don't know how I did that. No, I was practicing a lot and I was really excited for that opportunity that came and I took the chance when it came.

So, yeah.

Q. Sometimes when you almost put in the work, like over and over you almost think you should be at a different level.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, for sure. But, I mean, just staying patient. It's hard but that's what you have to do.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110685-1-1041 2021-07-24 15:18:00 GMT

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