The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. We'll start out with just some questions about the day. You tied a major championship 18-hole scoring record in a final round. Did you know that was happening when you woke up this morning or could you sense anything?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No, I mean, when we were in the middle of that rain delay this morning before I tee'd off it was -- yeah, I thought today was going to be quite a tough day.

It's one of those courses. I mean, we saw 6 do it the other day and you know it's possible, but everything just kind of has to go your way. I felt like I been playing really well the last couple days; I just didn't hole any putts.

It was a case of staying as patient as you possibly can and this course definitely tests it. Birdie on the first and then holed a really nice putt on the second and just kind of snowballed from there really.

Q. Did you leave any out there?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Not many. I think I got my fair share. And made two really good pars on 12 and 13, which kept the momentum going, which was nearly as important as some of the birdies.

Q. 10 birdies. You said 1 and 2 got the momentum rolling. Any you look back and you're like, Oh, man, I'm glad I snuck away with that one there?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I mean, I hit it in the fairway bunker on 1 on the right yesterday. Hit it the same place. I was under the lip; had to pitch out. Today hit a 7-iron in to six feet. Just the difference in to the day. Yesterday I had to wedge out and made bogey; today, had five, six feet and make the putt, and all of a sudden it's a different day.

Holed a long probably 40-footer down the green on the second. Yeah, hit some really, really nice iron shots.

Really close on 3. Yeah, just played really solid.

Had a great par on 6. The par saves this week I think were really key.

Q. Uh-huh. To put that number up in the final round, I'm sure you look at the leaderboard, what goes through your mind when you post a clubhouse lead at 13-under like that?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, going out early you're just trying to post a good number and see what happens. I didn't think we would be even considering anything at this point, but, yeah, I mean, like I said, we saw her do it the other day and it is possible.

So, yeah, it was just a case of trying to go as low as we possibly could and see where we ended up.

Q. You said that your game has been in a good spot. How have you noticed that it's been in a good spot?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Just been really consistent, giving myself opportunities and it's -- my irons have been good. It's really boiled down to then how I putt.

And there really wasn't a whole a lot of difference between the 61 and 71 yesterday. I came off the course yesterday feeling like I played great and just didn't hole any putts, and today they went in.

Hit it that little bit closer and just holed a few more putts, so it's fine margins as is golf. Today was all about getting good round in and trying to get the momentum going into the Olympics next week.

Q. Speaking of the Olympics, can you just touch on that? You're going to have quite the momentum to go into that. Excitement? Nerves?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, really excited. I was fortunate enough to Rio play in five years ago as an amateur. Going back a little bit different experience this time. Hopefully the few years of professional golf under my belt will help me this time. Never been to Asia before. Excited to go to Japan.

Don't know what really to expect, but, yeah, representing your country at the Olympic Games is the biggest honor you can have. Really excited for that.

Q. So Top 10 here at least.


Q. Top 15 at KPMG.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Uh-huh. I think this is my best major finish I want to say.

Q. Yeah, oh, for sure. T28 at the ANA. What is about you and majors? Obviously you're having a great year, but you in majors, you've played really steady golf on the biggest stage.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I feel like I play smart. I pick my spots, and you have to do that around golf courses like this. Me and my coach last week did some very specific practice for this week shaping slots and holding them up off the slopes, and I think that was key.

Getting a little some those pins today as well.

Q. Who is your coach again?


Q. In Ireland?


Q. So let's go over -- if you don't mind, start with No. 1.

LEONA MAGUIRE: You think -- I have a flight at 6:20. You think I can leave after we do this?

Q. Oh, yeah.

LEONA MAGUIRE: There is no point in me waiting, is there?

Q. You tell me. If you think someone is going to -- from what I heard 15, 16, 17, 18 are eagleable.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think we're going to go. Yeah, okay.

Q. We're going to go over just the 10 birdies and let you get out of here. No. 1, take me through...

LEONA MAGUIRE: No. 1 I was in the right fairway bunker; hit a 7-iron to five feet.

Second hole hit a 9-iron about 40 feet; holed that putt down the slope.

Q. Can you give me how far you were out like off the tee?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Today it was 130; hit 9-iron.

Q. On No. 2?


Q. How about No. 1?

LEONA MAGUIRE: We didn't even take the yardage. I just trying to get the front the green. It was like 140 front.

Q. That's okay.


Q. Okay. No. 3.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Third hole was 127; hit a 9-iron to about six feet behind the pin. Nearly went in. 4, 5...

Q. No. 7.

LEONA MAGUIRE: 7 was 120 and I hit just a little -- or 124. I hit a little 9-iron to about a foot.

Q. Okay. No. 8.

LEONA MAGUIRE: 8 was 180; hit a 5-hybrid. Sorry, 184. Hit a 5-hybrid. Used the slope on the right to about 15 feet and holed that putt.

Q. No. 10.

LEONA MAGUIRE: 10 was 134. Hit a little 8 to about six, seven just past it and holed that putt.

13 I hit in the right and then was about 35 yards short of the green and made a really good up and down there to save my par.

Q. 13?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, just short.

15 I hit 3-wood on the green from 240 to about 15 feet and two-putted from it there.

Q. Okay.

LEONA MAGUIRE: 16 was 142. Hit a little 8; nearly went in actually. Hit it to about a foot.

17 was 133. Hit a little sawed off 8 to about, again seven, eight feed; holed that putt.

And then on 18 I had 209 and I hit a 6-wood. Just missed the back stop and just went up just on top and just two-putted from there.

Q. Last one I have for you. When you can put yourself into the record books like this in your rookie year --

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean, I was here for the junior event in 2007 when Natalie won is a 12 year old. I think if 12 year old me saw a 61 up there I would be pretty happy.

Q. That was the 2007 Solheim?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No, like the junior event they have here. The same one as like Spieth and all them played, that one.

Q. In 2007 you played that?


Q. And Natalie won that?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Natalie won the big one. I still have the picture with Natalie from that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110704-1-1041 2021-07-25 13:33:00 GMT

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