The Amundi Evian Championship

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Nelly Korda

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Pleased to be here with Nelly Korda, world No, 3. Welcome back to Evian. Got done with the pro-am. You've now had three days to see the course and get over the jet lag.

How are you feeling as you head into the fourth major championship of the year?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I am struggling a little bit with the jet lag as well. I haven't seen most of the back nine, so see that tomorrow for the first time this year. Didn't really plan it out correctly. Thought I was playing 18, but it's fine. I've played this golf course so many times that I should be fine.

But it's beautiful out now.

Q. It's absolutely gorgeous. And yes, unfortunately the pro-am did go to nine holes this morning. Leads into my question. This is your fourth appearance here and you've improved every year you've been here. Do you feel your getting more comfortable here?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, for sure. My caddie and I joked about it that last year was our best finish and we high fived after. I've always had a hard time on the greens here. I think that's been the hardest part for me, is trying to learn, because you see something and it reacts completely different.

It's kind of like in Palm Springs where everyone's like, it breaks towards Indio. Yeah, so for sure the greens have been something I'm figuring out every year.

Hopefully I get to do that again and improve from last year.

Q. Can you practice for that? Is it just a matter of coming out here and playing them and getting used to them?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, for sure. I think the thing is every year is different, too. I think this year it's a little softer out. The greens are a little slower. So it just depends on how the golf course is playing as well.

Q. It's hot, it's humid. We have to deal with this a lot. You're from Florida. This is somewhat normal, but different when you have to go to work in this. How do you deal with it, and particularly as you come into a major championship and plan the strategy for the week?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I enjoy playing in this. I would pick this over playing in cold any day. I do not enjoy playing golf on cold weather. I actually make my schedule where I play mostly in warm weather and not in cold weather.

You know, growing up in Florida I'm so used to playing, practicing in this, so it doesn't really bother me. Hydration a definitely key, and looking after your body as well when you're playing in this type of weather.

Q. So you wouldn't like my seat right in front of the air conditioning then?

NELLY KORDA: No. Actually, right now I wouldn't mind. When I'm inside I like the air conditioning, but outside I like the heat.

Q. This event is home to almost every major championship scoring record. Do you enter with a different mentality to go low than other major championships?

NELLY KORDA: Depends on how it's playing. I know in years prior the greens have definitely been firmer and faster. They're a lot softer. Obviously I think we're going to get rain this afternoon, we got rain this morning, so the golf course is playing well slow.

I was surprised how longer I've had into the greens because the fairways aren't rolling out. See we'll how it plays out. Every year is different. If I can get some opportunities on the greens, like go in the hole, that would be nice.

Q. I noted on Saturday I think, right, you played really nicely in the Dow. Shot a really low number. Had you found something with the putting there or just one of the rounds where you were just seeing things?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, Jess was reading my putts. No, I -- it's one of those days where everything kind of clicks and you see the lines and you're rolling the ball well.

I've been working hard on every aspect of my game. Sometimes it clicks; sometimes you're struggling with it.

I feel like when you really grind in one part of the game you expect a little bit more from it, then it disappoints you at the end.

So I've just been trying to balance it out, kind of relax a little bit more on the putting green. It worked out. Last week was a completely different kind of tournament. It was a fun event playing with a partner.

So I think in a sense you learn a little bit more about yourself where you're like, okay, maybe if I keep this attitude into other events maybe everything will be a tiny bit easier.

Q. Last year you came here off the back of winning your first major, you were world No. 1. It was an immense run of golf you had to play. Olympics coming up obviously due to circumstances I'm sure you wish wouldn't happen. But do you feel a lot more refreshed coming here than maybe last year?

NELLY KORDA: Well, the jet leg doesn't feel very good.

Q. Set that apart.

NELLY KORDA: I guess, yeah. I've played a couple events. I mean, majority of my events have been majors recently. I think I played like two regular events and two majors. I think I've had -- I think I've played four events. Yeah, this is the fifth since coming back and it's a major again.

So it's definitely -- I appreciate it a lot more being here. After being out for so long, I feel like your appreciation for being able to travel and play golf grows a little bit more, so I guess in a sense refreshed yes and happy to be here.

Q. Speaking of, is everything okay with your arm? Back to normal?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, 100%. Still have to wear the compression sleeve, but it's okay.

Q. We're almost right at a year since you won that gold medal.


Q. It's awesome. I just have to be blunt. That's awesome. How can you reflect on this achievement of winning a gold and everything that's brought to you.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, honestly it feels so long a now. Last year feels like such a blur after everything especially that's happened this year. Obviously super special, and I feel like Paris is literally around the corner again.

Obviously it would be amazing to go again and experience the Olympics, and hopefully a different aspect of it not being COVID.

But, yeah, I mean, God, last year was an amazing year. I was very proud of what I accomplished after the entire year, and especially being out with the blood clot I definitely got to kind of appreciate everything that I did last year.

But it was kind of funny, I was like telling my caddie, I was like, everyone is, congrats on winning the gold. No one knows I won a major. That was so hard, too.

So, yeah, I mean, it was an amazing year and it's very hard to back that year up for sure, so I definitely grew an appreciation to the players that have played amazing golf and contend in majors every year.

Q. Has that helped you somewhat be able to put things in perspective? As much as you enjoy that win, those moments, the major, the gold medal, the put them behind you and move on?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, the wins are amazing, but I honestly what I love about sports and what I love is the roller coaster. I love the downs where you have to improve, push, and where you have to dig deep to get back to where you want to be.

Q. After the first half of the season, which again was not what you had hoped, we're halfway through now, what are the goals for the coming weeks?

NELLY KORDA: To stay healthy. That's my No. 1 goal, to be happy, and, yeah, honestly, just to stay healthy. Keeping it simple this year.

Q. I'm guessing that then changed goals you had from the beginning of year perhaps.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. I definitely -- I mean, as I said, January feels so, so far away. I definitely had to reassess everything. I wasn't even sure when I would come back obviously after everything that happened.

I'm just happy I'm here. I played some solid golf and worked hard since I've been able to play. I go into every event wanting to contend, wanting to win. I know that a lot of girls have a lot more rounds under their belts, and I just appreciate every round that I have got to play this year.

Hopefully I can give it a go this week and for the rest of tournaments this year.

Q. You kind of just mentioned a bit, how hungry are you to add a second major? One is huge; two majors is elite.

NELLY KORDA: I wouldn't be here if I wasn't hungry to win another major. Obviously that's something I want to add to my list.

THE MODERATOR: One more fun question. We're here in a place with amazing things to eat. Talk about the carbs, the chocolate, and the champagne. What your favorite thing to eat over here?


Q. Oh, really? I wasn't expecting that one.

NELLY KORDA: I love risotto. That was the first thing I had when I got here. I've had it -- and I had it both days actually. Maybe I should change it up today.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much Nelly, we appreciate your time.

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