The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Brooke Henderson. What a day. Nice way to kick off the year's fourth major. 7-under. Looked pretty flawless out there today. What was working so well?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was just a good day all around. I feel like ball striking I gave myself a lot of really great opportunities, which is always good, and then I was able to make some putts.

Any time that happens, you usually can go pretty low. This golf course, it can be so tricky. It plays really difficult. But sometimes when you make a bunch of birdies you can get momentum, and that's kind of what happened today.

Hopefully just keep the momentum through the rest of the week.

Q. Any of those birdies stand out to you today? Was there a shot or two in particular?

BROOKE HENDERSON: The eagle on the last hole was definitely a bonus. I had just bogeyed the previous hole and it was a super long putt and it was going pretty hard. To have this drop, definitely a bonus. Got me to the 7-under, which is nice way to finish.

I just feel like it's a really great feeling to start the major championship with a solid round. I feel like I haven't really done that this year, so feels good to get one here.

Q. Still putting left-hand low, I'm assuming. In the second full month of that now. Really, honestly, you've been putting lights out. How much of a difference maker was that for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was huge. I think I'm always continuing to try to make small progress with the putter, and my coach and my sister, caddie as well, just trying to get a little bit better all the time.

But it's been really exciting to see a lot of great results the last two months since making that change, including a win, which is always cool.

Yeah, just little progress all the time, and I'm looking forward to hopefully having lots of success with it in the future.

Q. Just strategic-wise, does that take a lot of risk out it for you? Was that an issue or just something else that just felt more comfortable?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, I'm not really like technical. I just really -- I just had a really great feeling to it. Just gave me a lot more confidence. I think that's the main thing with putting, is just confidence and feeling good over the putts.

So that was the main thing with left-hand low for me. I feel like had has fixed a few things, few flaws in my stroke that I had, which is good.

But, yeah, just trying to hit the ball in good places and make some putts.

Q. A place like Evian, this is somewhere you always tend to be around. What is it about this golf course that you like so much?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's so beautiful here. I love being in France and seeing the views of Lake Geneva and this golf course. It's so tricky and so challenging, but it's a lot of fun to play. Especially, like I mentioned, when you get on those birdie runs it can be a lot of fun.

So hopefully just play well tomorrow and have a strong weekend.

Q. You tend to kind of show up when the golf course is a little bit more difficult. How does that switch your mindset? Is it more, I'm just taking what it'll give me or I can attack it because I know?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think when you start out you never really know how it's going to play, and so the first couple holes you're just feeling it out. I was able to birdie the first two holes today so I was like, okay, this is going to be all right.

Just tried to keep that going, make as many birdies as I could. There is definitely some holes you can attack and be aggressive on and other holes you kind of just have to play safe and be patient out there.

So definitely a balance, but today went pretty well.

Q. How much confidence does that round give you with three more rounds to play in the fourth major. We've only got one left, so...

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, as I mentioned before, just getting off to a fast start at a major feels really good. It's been a while since I've done that.

Yeah, it feels nice, but lots can happen over the next three days. Hopefully just keep her going.

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