The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Charley Hull

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Charley Hull. 5-under today. Really solid start to the major this week. What was working so well for you out there?

CHARLEY HULL: I've had three weeks off at home, so I felt like I just had a nice three weeks just like chilling and nice break to the season, get my head together.

Yeah, just felt like it was nice to be out there and my game felt good.

Q. The three weeks off at home, did you touch the clubs at all or are you that kind of player that just puts them away?

CHARLEY HULL: No, no, no. I touch them every day, but I only do like a couple hours practice. Only played one or two 18 holes. That was about it really.

Just chilling.

Q. Is that something you learned? I feel like we get into this stretch of golf where we have five majors or really four in this short amount of time; is that something you learned to do is take a break?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, definitely 100%. And because it's English summer at home and a heat wave, so I would be missing out if I didn't take a break.

Q. Just kind of today what was key for you? Was it ball striking? Was it putting?

CHARLEY HULL: I was pretty much all around pretty solid, wasn't I? Pretty much hit some good putts, good iron shots. Yeah, just solid all round.

Q. Eighth start here at the Evian. You've played this golf course plenty of times. Are you familiar with the ins and outs of what it takes to really go low here?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I think it's my ninth start. Yeah, 2013 was my first year. Yeah, it's one of these golf courses, because sometimes you can have -- find it tricky to score around, but after eight, nine years you start to figure it out.

Q. What about the kind of slopey lies? I know some of the pins were kind of tucked today. When you're kind of working on either downhill, uphill and the pin is to the left, to the right, what's the thought process when you're trying to shape those shots?

CHARLEY HULL: I don't really think too much, because my golf course that I grew up on catching golf clubs when I was younger, the golf course is pretty much as slopey as this on the fairways.

I'm quite lucky I don't have to think too much about adjusting. I've always just automatically adjusted.

Q. What did you do you in the heat wave at home?

CHARLEY HULL: Just chilled. Went on like walks, pub gardens and just random stuff.

Q. Nice. I was going to say, walks was very hot.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, well, just like in the field -- yeah, yeah.

Q. Get you 10,000 in a day.

CHARLEY HULL: Well, try and get like 15,000 in a day, yeah.

Q. Cool. You're 5-under, three back of Ayaka Furue. I know it's day one; can't win it on the first day. What's the mindset heading into the rest of the week?

CHARLEY HULL: Hopefully post three more of them scores. Just be patient. Obviously it's a major so anything can happen.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123039-1-1041 2022-07-21 17:15:00 GMT

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