The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Linn Grant

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Linn Grant, who ground out a level par round today. I know it was kind of an up and down day, but just take me through your round and the mindset that let you keep it at even.

LINN GRANT: I think it still played solid from tee to green, just like yesterday. A little bit further from the pins, so a bit tougher today I felt like.

But made some good saves out there, if I say it right. Otherwise, still feel good about my game for tomorrow. I hope the birdies will roll in.

Q. Had a couple tricky bunker shots today. I don't know what hole, maybe 14, 15; like right up against the lip. When you're in those kind of situations, what's the mindset? Just trying to get it out?

LINN GRANT: I feel like every time in a bunker I'm in a really difficult place. I told my coach that last week, I'm never in the middle of the bunker, but here I was.

No, I mean, I just try to find the easiest way without doing anything stupid well. Just kind of make my way to make a par.

Q. You had a big last few months coming into a major championship. I'm sure you were feeling pretty confident and still are. You're in the mix heading into the weekend. What's changed for you? I feel like your whole demeanor is different. What's been the difference maker for you from the success you had on the LET?

LINN GRANT: I think playing on the LET is really, like you're saying, boosts my confidence a little bit.

I mean, I knew my own game before turning pro, but turning pro you never know what's going to happen, right? So just playing there and get some wins, kind of know how to win, kind of get even better at that sort of. I think that's preparing me for weeks like this, just to grind it out.

Q. And heading into the weekend here at Evian. Obviously the pin positions were tricky today. I'm not sure how much more trickier they can get, but what's the mindset? Obviously seven back of Nelly now, but plenty of ground to be made up on moving day and Sunday?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing, and like I'm saying, hopefully get close to the pins and roll some putts in. I mean, anything can happen. Just see how far that takes me.

Q. Had you played this golf course before this week? If so, does having that familiarity help?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it does. Even though the setup was so different, and, I mean, the firmness when we played was ridiculous, so actually coming here this week I'm like, oh, this is quite easy. So that was a positive coming into the week.

Yeah, just feeling like a little bit of confidence with some shots instead of coming here for the first time.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123055-1-1041 2022-07-22 11:30:00 GMT

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