The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Carlota Ciganda

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Carlota Ciganda, another solid round. Put you at 8-under, just three back heading into the weekend. I mean, how good are you feeling about a round like that, especially on a golf course that had some really tricky pins today?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I mean, I think 4-under, it's always good in a major championship. I do think that the pins were a little trickier today. I thought I was very patient out there.

Again, hit lots of greens, which I think it's key in this course to give yourself birdie chances. Made a few.

Played really good the par-5s, and, yeah, happy with the 4-under at the end.

Q. How do you manage the pin positions? There are a lot of slopes on the greens. Are you just playing to different quadrants of the green?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, we have a good strategy. I think my caddie is great with that, so I just try to listen to him. I try to hit it where he tells me.

Very comfortable with the numbers and all the lines he's telling me. So, yeah, I think just need good prep this course, especially some of those back pins.

Yeah, I mean, try your best.

Q. Again in contention in a major championship. What have you learned in the past you'll take with you into the weekend?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: You have to be patient out there. I think I have a low round in me, so I think I have to keep playing the same, try to hit greens, do the same, and if I can make a few more putts, I think I have a low one in me.

Q. What's the key to get that low number, do you think?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I mean, just stay in the present, patient, and enjoy the moment.

Q. And final question: Chasing heading into the weekend. Are you much more of a chaser rather than a leader?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I don't mind chasing and coming from behind. Yeah, I don't mind that at all.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123060-1-1041 2022-07-22 12:54:00 GMT

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