The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Sarah Kemp

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Sarah Kemp. 6-under right now through two rounds here at the Evian Championship. Played well here last year; finished top 20. What is it that you like so much about this golf course?

SARAH KEMP: Kind of just fits my game pretty well. It's fairly tight. The rough is pretty long. The fairways are tight in that aspect.

I hit a lot of hybrids and I'm pretty good with my hybrids, so it fits my eye well. I like the speed of the greens.

Then obviously the view. This town is just super cool. It's got a bit of a chill vibe to it.

All of the above really.

Q. Birdied the last two today. Walk me through the last couple holes.

SARAH KEMP: Hit a really good 6-hybrid on 8, kind of like my 6-iron, to about 12 feet and rolled it in, which is nice.

Then 9 I hit a really good -- I laid up. I'm not long enough to get there. It's a bit soft out there at the moment. So laid up to about 85 and hit it to about seven feet and made it.

Q. Obviously a tough golf course traditionally, but pins today were kind of nasty. I mean, how do you adjust?

SARAH KEMP: They're not as bad because the greens are quite soft. Like I remember playing here years and it's been firm and fast, and that's where I think it gets a little tougher.

But you can take most of the -- you can take all of them on, kind of land it pretty close up because they're stopping pretty quick.

I wouldn't -- yeah, the pins weren't too -- as intimidating because of how soft the greens are.

Q. Played with Alena Sharp last week at Dow, couple weeks ago at Dow. How much did having fun in an event and playing well together give you confidence heading into a major?

SARAH KEMP: It's probably the most fun I've ever had on a golf course last week. We had a top 10, and it was just crazy. Like there is a video of me holing a putt on 18 to get us the top 10. My caddie, Sharpy's caddie, were all just (indiscernible.) It was so much fun. We birdied the last two to have a top 10. It was so much fun. I wish we had more of those events. It was so, so cool.

We rallied really well. It was great, too, because Alena's status this year hasn't been that great, so I really wanted help her play well so she could get some.

Honestly, we just played so good both together. Yeah, that was probably the best, most fun I've had on the golf course in -- for a long time. I can't remember.

So just the confidence from that and how much fun I had last week, just trying to take it sort of a bit chill like I did last week coming off that.

Q. Few back, but really not that many back in retrospect. What do you look for from yourself on a weekend? Are you really attacking this golf course or playing the quadrants, sticking to the same game plan going forward?

SARAH KEMP: Probably just do the same thing. I'm kind of weird like that, like superstitious. Just want to do everything the same. Lees wants to go over to Switzerland this afternoon, so we might do that.

Yeah, just I honestly just keep it in the fairways, and hopefully I get the same clubs in and stays the way they are, because it's really suiting my hybrid game quite well and my wedges.

But, yeah, just do the same. I guess I'm kind of being fairly aggressive. Hit 18 in two today. Just same. Not any more aggressive, just the same.

Q. Finally, just, again, back in contention at a major. How good does that feel?

SARAH KEMP: Yeah, it's fun. Yeah, it's only halfway, so long way to go. But, no, it's nice to be sitting at this moment in the top 10 on a Friday afternoon.

I'll take it, yeah. I'll take that every day of the week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123061-2-1041 2022-07-22 13:16:00 GMT

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