The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Perrine Delacour

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Perrine Delacour. 68 today. Three back of the lead heading into the weekend. Just how proud are you of that round?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, I'm really proud. First time I made the cut in Evian, so really happy about that. My game is a feeling good, so I'm just going to be patient during the weekend and see where it's going.

Q. Tricky pin positions out there today. How do you adjust?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, it's the kind of course, Evian, that you have to play some targets, like not the pins. Today you had to even more because a lot of them were like three right, three left, so you just wanted to make sure like you're play the right zone.

Q. Handful of birdies on the card. Did anything stand out in it particular?

PERRINE DELACOUR: No. I've been putting pretty good. I mean, I made some good save par and I've been pretty confident about it.

Q. Have you been working a lot on your putting?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, I do. I just really spend most of the time about it because I've been struggling a lot. It was most of it like where my game wasn't feeling great if my putting was kind of off, so I'm happy about it.

Q. Coming into this week what changed? Obviously being at home probably helps.

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, I'm just going to try the same. I mean, I'm just going to enjoy the moment and see where it's going.

Q. Are you a player that likes to chase on the weekends?

PERRINE DELACOUR: I mean, I never been in that position, so it's tough to answer.

But I'm just going to try my best and see where it's going. I mean, I'm already proud. I've been making two good days, so just see where it's going.

Q. You've mentioned it, but playing in front of the hometown crowd, making the cut for the first time in the Evian, you've got to be riding all sorts of confidence heading into Saturday and Sunday.

PERRINE DELACOUR: That's for sure. I was kind of coming this week with a lot of doubts because I never make the cut. I was like, okay, this year is a good one, and I've been talking a lot of positivity around this course and everything. A lot of girls complain and I've been telling positivity, and that kind of helped me to get though this week.

Q. Is it just because of how challenging the golf course is or is it more...

PERRINE DELACOUR: Yeah, it is challenging for sure. I mean, challenging playing and challenging walking, so that's why it's tough for everybody. Especially in the heat that's coming this afternoon it's going to be important to rest.

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123063-1-1041 2022-07-22 13:24:00 GMT

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