The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Well, Brooke, it's not often I see two rounds of 64. How do those rounds rank in your career?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, it feels really nice to get off to a fast start in a major championship. Feels like it's been a while. To get it this far under par is really awesome.

And I feel like I'm hitting the ball really well, which is nice. Making some putts. So two solid days, and I'm just really looking forward to the weekend.

Q. Describe 64s as solid. These greens are normally quite hard to read of you seem to manage them well. What's the key?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out the key. The greens can be very challenging, but I feel like for the most part I'm hitting the ball in good places and been lucky enough to make a few putts.

Just continue to try to do what I've been doing the last two days and see what happens.

Q. You looked to stay really patient at the end. You were missing a couple putts but then had a really good finish.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, the putter has been hot for me the last couple months, and it's a really great feeling. It's nice to have a little bit of momentum.

I won a couple months ago, had some nice top finishes in majors again a few months ago. Had nice time off.

I'm ready, back here, and looking forward to the rest of this week and the following two weeks. First time at the Scottish and then the British.

Q. After two rounds of 64 do you keep everything the same from now on?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think I better.

Q. Any crepes tonight?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah I've been having a lot of crepes here in France, so I think maybe to keep the momentum going I better have some more.

Q. Bunch of birdies on your card today. Overall, I mean, just solid golf. Were any of those birdies long putts? Were you just putting them in tight?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I made a long putt on the first hole actually. Hit the tee shot in the rough, which is not where you want to be on the first hole. I was able to hit the green and roll in a long birdie kind of unexpectedly.

So that got me going a little bit.

I think only one bogey today, too, so that's nice. Eight birdies I guess, so it's fun to see the ball go in the hole. It's cool, like I said, to have a fast start at a major. It's been a while, and hopefully I can just keep the momentum rolling.

Q. About how long was that putt on No. 1?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Wasn't too far, but over 30 feet.

Q. Not too far. Oh, just over 30 feet. That's all. Had you looked at the scoreboard at all to see Nelly going low this morning or some of the other low numbers out there?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I noticed that Nelly had finished really well and was right up there. I was just trying to continue what I did yesterday: hit the ball in good places and try to make some putts.

But I did kind of take a few peaks at the scoreboard and tried to make as many as I could.

Q. You've certainly won a lot, but you're right, it's been a while since you had a major win. Has that been on your mind trying to get major No. 2?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it would be amazing to get my second major championship, and hopefully I get a few more before my career is over.

But, yeah, I feel like this is a great position after two days, and it's only half over, so see what happens.

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