The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Andrea Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Andrea Lee. Another stellar round here today at the Evian. Just walk me through what went well for you out there.

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, to be honest, I kind of started out my round really slow. I think I was 1-over through my first seven holes or so.

Managed to turn it around and birdie 17 and 18 to get me back under par for the day.

Then from then on, I kind of just, yeah, was playing really solid golf. Fairways and greens. Had I think five birdies on my back nine, which was the actual front nine.

I actually missed three or four putts within nine feet as well, so I feel like I could have actually played a lot better today.

But really happy with the way I performed, and hopefully just keep doing what I'm doing into the weekend.

Q. We've kind of talked about it all season, but where you were this time last year compared to now, got a win on the Epson Tour, are playing some really solid golf, are going to have no issues with status for next year. At a major, you're just continuing that. What's been the mindset for you?

ANDREA LEE: Hello? Wait, I'm so sorry, you just like bleeped out the last 15 seconds. I didn't hear the question.

Q. Can you hear me now?


Q. Okay. There we go. Sorry. Just curious, kind of we keep talking about it with you, the last year or so has been really tough, but you've played some serious golf this season to kind of get yourself some status for next year. At a major, continuing that, what's been the mindset for you this season that's really just made a difference?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, staying really patient. I know that my game has come a long ways since last year, and just trusting that I'm able to hit the shots and hit the putts when I need to.

Yeah, I just gained so much confidence from the beginning of this year. It's been a whirlwind for sure, and I'm just really grateful to be in the position that I am now and to be in contention for a major this weekend.

So just really excited and proud of myself for how far I've come since last year.

Q. I mean, obviously mindset is different, but what's changed in your game that's allowed you to compete a little bit more out here on the LPGA?

ANDREA LEE: I don't think I made really drastic changes, to be really honest. I just felt like nothing really clicked until early this year.

But I think definitely my putting has been a lot more consistent. Been making more birdies on average per round than I have in the past. I think just my approach shots into the greens are kind of my strength right now. Just hitting really good iron shots. You know, long irons and hybrids into the greens.

So just really feel confident in that area. Driving, too. Been hitting a lot of fairways. That's the key I guess, hitting fairways, greens, and then making the putts, so...

Q. Going back to today, you said really you kind of started slow but kind of finished with a flurry there on the front nine. Again, how do you stay calm, patient, and know that those birdies were going to come?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, you know, I was a little frustrated on the first several holes. I felt like I was hitting good shots and not really getting rewarded for it. My caddie was telling me, you know, you're hitting great shots. Just stay patient. It's like this for everyone out here.

Yeah, and then they started dropping, and birdied seven of my last nine holes -- or, sorry, 11 holes.

So, yeah, I think just the key out here is just staying really patient. It is a major and it's going to test everyone.

Q. Just finally, I mean, you're going to be a little bit back of Brooke at this point. I'm looking at the leaderboard and you're up here with major champions, former world No. 1s. What's the mindset heading into the weekend just playing with that elite company?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, honestly, I'm just really excited. I feel like my game is at the level where I can compete against the best players in the world, and I'm just really looking forward to what I can do the next couple days.

I had the opportunity to play with Nelly Korda, I think the third round of the U.S. Women's Open, and I just had a blast. There were so many people following us. We had a huge gallery. I really enjoyed it. I soaked up every moment of it.

I kind of like the energy and having crowds following us, so I'm just really looking forward to being a part of I guess a list of names that are up there on the leaderboard this weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123072-1-1041 2022-07-22 16:58:00 GMT

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