The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Atthaya Thitikul

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Atthaya Thitikul. 5-under 66. Really good round today. You put yourself in the mix, let's put it that way. 8-under, a few back, but heading into the weekend in a really good place. What was it like out there for you today?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I mean, like today I had really like, you know, like I had a great game today. I mean, like my iron, it's really great today. Just like I just have one bad hole today, No. 3.

Yeah, and then I just told myself like it's just one bad shot and then it just only one hole I had a mistake. And then I just told myself that.

Yeah, just continue to do my thing, because like all the thing is pretty good and had a really good confident right now, so, yeah.

Q. Is this the first time playing Evian?


Q. Your first time playing this golf course.


Q. So having past experience, has that helped you through the first 36?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I did. I mean, like I think I play here like three times before, two time Evian and this is my third time in Evian. So it's pretty help because like the course is not that easy for any like players.

And then I think it's make me like, you know, like all the experience adapt into this week as well.

Q. Getting creative out there; there is a lot of really slopey shots; hitting downhill lies, uphill lies. How have you managed that this week? Obviously pretty well. Been playing pretty solid.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Like before I'm not good at, you know, like really slopey line, so just I think it's because of the experience as well that grind you, you know, like making you like better.

So, yeah, pretty good this week.

And then just like keep myself like focus and then just hit some shots.

Q. You're a player that goes low on the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday I feel like Atthaya's numbers drop. Heading into the weekend here at a major really with nothing to lose, what's the mindset?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Same. Just do my thing and just keep myself in the position, you know, like to have a chance to make a birdie and just keep lowering it.

If it's go in, it's go in. If not, just like -- just like another tournaments that you -- it's not yours.

Q. Finally, you like big, kind of tough golf courses. Is there a reason for that?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Nothing, not reason for that.

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123073-1-1041 2022-07-22 17:15:00 GMT

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