The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 22 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Anna Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Anna Davis. First cut made in a major championship. Just how excited are you to play the weekend here at Evian?

ANNA DAVIS: Very excited because it's obviously like my first cut in a major. I was a little nervous going into the week because of the U.S. Open, but it's going to be exciting just because playing in a major, the environment is a little different than playing in a normal event.

So it'll be fun.

Q. How have you found this golf course? Evian is notoriously tricky. You seem to manage it pretty well.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, going into the practice rounds I was a little nervous. I was kind of hitting it everywhere. I was like, it's hard to hit fairways here. It's so narrow.

Like the first thing, if somebody asked me on the golf course it's like, it's narrow. That's the first thing I say.

Other than that, I would say it's doable, as the scores have shown this week from the top players.

I think as long as I keep hitting fairways I can score a little lower, so...

Q. Looking at these greens today, the pin positions were tucked. How did you and your caddie manage those today?

ANNA DAVIS: A few of them -- there are a few par holes out here. We have a pretty long club in, so a lot of those were tucked and it was kind of like, okay, just aim for the middle of the green, get your par, and get out of there -- as my score showed because I made like 14 pars today.

So it was just kind of like aim for the middle of the greens and stuff like that.

Q. Pars make cuts. You're a player that's pretty unfazed by things, but to see you really excited about making this first major cut is awesome. Tell me, what's some of the emotions going through your head right now?

ANNA DAVIS: Not much. Still it's kind of like, okay, that's cool. Obviously I'm happy about it, so it'll be exciting. Not much. I don't know.

Q. Heading into the weekend, what's the mindset? Made it to the weekend. Going to go for broke or try to stick to the same game plan?

ANNA DAVIS: No, I think now that I made the cut it's kind of like, okay, you can go for pins, be a little more aggressive on putts, and stuff like that.

So definitely trying to go lower.

Q. Is there anybody's brain that you picked this week about how to play this golf course since it's completely new?

ANNA DAVIS: Not really. At the U.S. Open I was like -- I was talking about it with like the Korda sisters and they were just like, yeah, it's kind of funky golf course, so just like do your best to stay in the fairway and stay on the greens and kind of stay consistent.

So that was kind of like the only person I talked about it with.

Q. And then just final question: Saw your dad out here. Caddie is a good family friend of yours. How cool is it to share this experience with your pops and a good friend?

ANNA DAVIS: It's cool. My dad has always wanted to come to Europe and watch me play golf. It's cool that he gets to see it and cool that I get to play here, because it's always been like a dream of mine to play in Europe and play golf and travel the world.

Yeah, it's exciting.

Q. Keep living the dream.


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123074-1-1041 2022-07-22 17:24:00 GMT

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