The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 23 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. 3-under par today, Brooke. The words that spring to mind for me are steady, patient, disciplined as well. What is your assessment of your round today.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was wasn't as good as the first two days, but, yeah, really hung in there. Made some clutch par saves on back nine, which felt nice.

Not as many birdies on the card. Felt like the course is playing a little bit tougher for me today. Hopefully go out tomorrow and continue to ball strike pretty well and hopefully make some putts.

Q. Certainly been taking care of itself, hasn't it? From tee-to-green you've been brilliant. In terms of what you learned about Evian over the years, what are the tricks you'll take into tomorrow's round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think it's important where you're placing the ball off the tee and into the greens. Hopefully can get a good strategy together tonight and hopefully I'll be able to hit the shots where we need to.

It can be a very tricky course if you start miss-hitting shots. If you can keep it in the right areas, then you can make some birdies.

Q. Another thing that stood out to me today was your commitment on the greens when the reads weren't easy. Was that game plan going into today, just to button down those and go for it?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, like I said, those clutch par saves on the back felt really nice. Disappointed I didn't make as many birdies today, but hopefully just fix that tomorrow.

Obviously great position going into Sunday, which is always a lot of fun. Hopefully just have a great day tomorrow.

Q. So overall, certainly not the way you wanted to end the round, but it is a good, solid day again. You've built a lead. How do you feel after this round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it wasn't my best today, but I really hung in there when I needed to, which feels nice.

Was able to birdie a couple of the par-5s at least, which is good. I had a lot of good birdie looks too, which is all you can really ask for.

Just going into tomorrow, hopefully hit it a little bit better than I did today and make a few more putts.

Q. Were you trying to be aggressive at all or was it just maybe not quite clicking today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was just like a little bit of a mix. Sometimes I tried to be aggressive and it worked out pretty well; other times I kind of just had to play safer, hit to the wide part of the greens.

Yeah, a little bit of a mixed bag today. Hopefully clean some things up and finish strong tomorrow.

Q. You have a lot of German fans. I don't know if you know that, because everyone knows you because of Skechers. You are in every magazine in Germany. Is there anything you want to say to your German fans specifically?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Well, thank you so much for the support. It's amazing to have fans from all over the world. Hopefully you can come out to some events and cheer me on in person.

Q. What's the game plan going to be as you head into tomorrow? Do you think you'll be more aggressive? I mean, you're going in with a two-stroke lead, a little bit of a cushion there.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, just going to play my game and see what happens. This course, like I said, can be really tricky at times. You know, you put yourself in the wrong position, you're struggling to make par or bogeys.

So just kind of stick to the game plan. Hopefully get a good strategy together tonight, and when I can be aggressive, I'll definitely try to take advantage of that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123092-1-1041 2022-07-23 15:16:00 GMT

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