The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Amazing round. Bogey-free. Really strong play today. Might come up a little short. Still more holes to go. Proud of how you played today?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I played really solid. I played solid all week. I had a bogey-free round 66 on the first day and then obviously today I felt like I left some putts out there, which at times, especially on the front nine, was frustrating.

Then yesterday I got off to a really hot start and made a double on 9 to shoot 1-under on the front, and it was the same as today.

Yeah, I stayed patient. I hit my drives really well on the first day, and then the second and third day they were -- the goods were good and the bads were a little question mark.

Then today I hit a really bad one on 1 to start. Other than that, I hit it really well. I felt like I figured out something mid-round that I felt like was the key on why I was hitting the ball not good.

Since then, I pretty much hit most of my fairways coming in, which was a bonus. Then that just allowed me to be a little bit more aggressive.

I think because the ball striking was there, it's almost like when you keep setting yourself up with birdies within 20 feet you're trying to knock on the door. Some fall and some don't. Sometimes you feel like you have bad putting a days because the ball striking is there.

That's the part I want to be more consistent, and to see that around a course where if you start missing fairways you could be missing a lot of them.

I did a good job of that, so pleased with the way I played this week.

Q. You said you found something. What did you find?

LYDIA KO: Honestly, it was like just really what I do in my pre-shot routine. Just to continue that feel where I feel like sometimes like pre-shot is pre-shot, and then you get into the rhythm of the actual swing and it's like I forget it.

So it was really like, okay, what was I focusing on, what am I doing in my pre-shot, and just try to copy that as much as I can. I think that way it was like a very untechnical, and just allowed me to be more aggressive, which is obviously a good place to be.

Yeah, so I hit some really good ones is, and obviously a couple good shots to finish.

Q. As you were standing over the eagle putt on 18, did you know it was potentially to tie the lead?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I knew that I needed to hole it. I think 18, the tee box is pushed forward, so I'm average to just above average in driving distance and I got driver, kind of chip 5-iron in.

Obviously some of the girls coming in are quite long hitters. If they do hit the fairways it's a shorter one in. I think there are higher chances of like a par, par finish than something horrendous happening. You don't want to wish bad on anybody else.

So, yeah, I knew that I needed to make it. Honestly, I hit a good stroke and the speed was right. Just under-read. It and I feel like it was very marginal today. Like some that were like a little high or a little low.

You know, it's like small things, right, that gets you to be the one hoisting the trophy, and then the one that's finishing a few shots behind.

So I think that was really it. Other than that, all I can do is be committed and hit good shots and good putts, and if they go in, great. If they don't, can't do anything about it.

Q. About how far was the eagle putt?

LYDIA KO: I think it was like 12 feet.

Q. And then maybe --

LYDIA KO: I actual rather 12 feet than like 6 feet.

Q. Really? You like them on the longer side?

LYDIA KO: Maybe, maybe not. I think it's a holeable putt, but it's not like, okay, it's a gimme, you really should be making it.

It broke a lot. I already played like almost a couple cups out and it was low. I felt like the break was a little less at the second half of my putt. I honestly don't think I would've read it any more. I would've after seeing my putt, but not any more prior to hitting it.

Q. Last question: You always have a big fan base here, and playing with Albane, what was the fan experience and just the ambiance for you today?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, obviously being a past champion here I feel like people have always been supportive. This is, I would say, a little bit more like a rural part of France and like still an hour away from Geneva.

I know unless you're pretty local people are making the trip to come out here, so, yeah, always like nice to see them. The crowds got bigger and bigger.

With Albane, you know, pretty much literally from the other side of the lake, I knew that it was going to be a little bit of a following. Always nice to play with one of the home favorites as much as like some of your fans as well.

So, no, enjoyed it. And I think when we've had nice weather and even in the rain, we've always seen people at the back of the green fill up those chairs.

Hopefully it's a stop that the spectators enjoy as much as we do. I think we've been pretty blessed. It might have been the best weather four days we've had in Evian since I've come here in nine years, so I take it. I'm sure Franck does, too.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123119-1-1041 2022-07-24 14:29:00 GMT

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