The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, everybody, it's my pleasure to welcome into the media center the champion of the 2022 Amundi Evian Championship, Brooke Henderson.

Brooke, it was a long day, a hot day, I think a crazier day than you would've liked. At the end of the day you are a major champion again.

How are you feeling right now?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Amazing. Like you said, it was a long day and I put myself in a position I didn't really want to be in. Started off kind of poorly.

But to be able to bounce back on the back nine really means a lot. To get that many birdies the last five holes or so was really big.

Obviously to make that putt on 18 was just a huge relief so I didn't have to play that hole again. Just super excited to have this trophy and to be a second-time major champion.

THE MODERATOR: Talk to us about hole 18, the strategy. Did you know where you stood on the hole and what were you thinking as you hit into the green?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I knew I was tied after 16 at 16-under, and then 17 I watched her tap-in a little one with a little applause on 17 green, so I figured she par'd.

And then I saw her layup and miss the putt on 18, so I knew she was at 16-under. The goal was to hit the green in two, and unfortunately the drive found the rough. I was able to hit it on in three and make the birdie putt.

It was really close the whole day. I think just having such a poor start and then staying patient and knowing that I was never really out of it, and to be able to climb back really means a lot.

THE MODERATOR: I know you said staying patient, you're not out of it. But in the moment that's tough. When you open with the bogey, when you have the double on 6, how hard were you having to work to keep the momentum moving ahead?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was very difficult. Like you said, it's sometimes easier said than done in those situations.

I feel like I did pretty good job and Brit was really key in that, just reminding me that we're still in it. Just relax and hit good shots. Try to hit fairways, greens. Just keep it simple.

Then I was trying to make as many birdies as I could coming down the stretch, because the saying is that majors are won on the back nine on Sunday, so I just tried to hit really solid shots and make as many birdies as I could.

THE MODERATOR: Those back-to-back birdies on 14 and 15 were really clutch. Tell us about those two holes.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the pin was up on the par-3, 14th, but the tees were all the way in the back, so I hit a full hybrid, but I felt -- I was actually looking forward to that shot most of the day.

I felt like I could hit one close there, and I was happy when I was able to walk up there and it was only I guess five feet or so.

Putt kind of went all the way around the hole almost, but it dropped, and that kind of settled me down and got me thinking, let's make as many as we can here.

15, to hit that green in two, again, was kind of a sigh of relief. Blew the eagle putt a little too far by. It is a little unnecessary. To come back here again using most of the hole, it felt great.

That shot on 16, that's probably the hardest shot out here, that par-3. There is a lot of trouble everywhere. I was pretty nervous on that tee most of the week, so to hit a solid shot on there an have a birdie look I think was pretty key.

THE MODERATOR: Absolutely. Questions.

Q. Congratulations. You must feel great. It was a bit nail biting at times. Can you just tell us how long that birdie putt was at the last, please?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think it was around four paces, so 12 feet.

Q. Congratulations. To take you back to No. 6, the four-putt there, did Brit say anything to you that helped you reset after that moment?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, off the tee I hit it in the bunker and it was definitely not the best place to be. It was a pretty great shot. Just hit the green there. Unfortunately I had like 30 yards of a putt left.

I said to Brit, should I chip it? In hindsight, I feel like, yes, I should've chipped it, and I feel like I would've gotten closer on the first one.

That was just tough. I feel like these greens are really tricky. And such a great putter, So Yeon four-putting the previous is hole it's very possible out here, and I think that was a good reminder that even very talented players can make mistakes on the greens here.

So I tried not to let it bother me too much, but obviously that does shake you up a little bit. But I was able to bounce back and birdie the next hole.

Q. As you were standing over that putt on 18, were there nerves and what were you thinking over that putt?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, there were for sure. It was amazing the huge crowds that were out this week, and especially around the 18th hole. Makes it really special when you can hit good shots and have them celebrate with you, because it is an amazing atmosphere.

Over that putt, you know, really I just did not want to go to a playoff. Did not want to play that hole again. So I was like, please go in.

I just tried to get a good read on it, and Brit and I agreed with the read, which gives you a little extra confidence, too, when you're seeing the same thing.

Obviously try to give it enough pace to give to a run.

Q. So couple of things: What a year for Brooke Henderson and what a year Canadian golf. You won the week of the Canadian Open for the men's Open; you won here now a major. You're getting ready for the Canadian Women's Open to come back. So amazing.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, thank you. It's always an amazing feeling to get two wins on the LPGA tour in a season. To have it so close together, just a month and a half or two months apart, and then to get my second major championship, it has felt like a little while since 2016 when I won my first; it was definitely worth the wait, this one.

I'm looking forward to next week at the Scottish Open followed by the British Open. I feel like my game is in a good spot, so I'm excited, and hopefully I can contend for more titles leading to the CP Women's Open, which of course I've extremely looking forward to as a CP ambassador. And also having it an hour away from where you grew up is going to be crazy with fans, so I'm looking forward to that.

Q. You were mentioning what's coming up. Hopefully you'll have some time to celebrate, but now you have to prepare for a major in two weeks. Complete change of scenario. We play links. How much do you like it and how do you prepare for that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Links has always been a work in progress for me I would say. I did win in New Zealand in 2017 and that was a very linsky golf course. Having that win under my belt gave me a lot of confidence moving forward on to these links courses.

It is a completely different mindset than this week, and obviously the conditions and the weather are going to be very different, too. It was very hot this week. Next week I imagine it's probably going to be cold and wet and windy.

So just have to get in the right state of mind for that and work on the knock-down shots.

Q. This ties into something Beth Ann asked as well. How different are you as a person and a player from when you won KPMG? And now that you've won another one, how much did you really want that second major?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, in 2016 winning the first major changed my life. My world ranking shot up and I just received a ton more attention from fans and media.

You know, it also made me feel like I really belonged out here and that I could contend for big, major championships and compete against the best in the world, which is an amazing feeling.

It has been a long time, and getting off to a fast start early this week, it just felt great to be at the top of the leaderboard at a major. I just tried to take that excitement as far as I could.

You know, to be hitting here a two-time major championship is just an unreal feeling. My coach, my dad, and my mom's support, and of course Brit who's out there all the time with me, it's just an amazing, and it's going to be really cool and we can all celebrate together.

Q. How special is this to have another win with Brit, to have her always by your side? I know you guys are a team effort. You tag teamed this really well.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Thank you. Yeah, I definitely couldn't do this without here. Traveling around the world and getting to experience amazing places like this, it makes it more special being able to do it with her.

You know, she really keeps me in line out there sometimes, and just having her expertise and knowledge and guidance all the time and helping me out, yeah, couldn't do it without her. I'm just really grateful.

On 18 after I made that putt I said, did we really do this? It was such a weird day. Just to celebrate with her later is going to be really fun.

Q. Was there a point today where you really thought about getting more aggressive, you thought you might need to change the game plan at all?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah when I was 3-over through 11 holes I guess it was kind of like, okay, if I want to be at the top of the leaderboard again and if I want to contend, I really need to get it in gear here and hit as many good shots as I can and get as many birdie looks coming down the stretch.

To make three of those in the last five holes or so was really big. It felt really nice to have the patience kind of pay off and then to make the comeback.

Q. How was your putting this week? A lot has been made of the move to left-hand low and really how your putting has improved dramatically over the past few weeks. How comfortable are you feeling?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the left-hand low move was huge. Also we worked a lot, my coach and my sister, have worked a lot on just green reading, being more confident over it, trying to clear the mind a little bit.

Those steps have really made a huge difference. You know, the first three days I putted so well. It was an amazing feeling. Today was a little bit up and down, but it bailed me out when I needed it on the back nine.

So, yeah, just I feel like when you're out here on tour you're just trying to get better in all areas. This year, for the last couple months especially, it's been on the putting, so it's nice to see that that's is paying off.

Q. You've been working on your putting, but I know also earlier this year took time and spend spent it with family. How important that was time for you? You love to go home to Canada, and over the last two and a half years you haven't got to spend a lot time there. How important was that to your personal perspective getting to spend that time at home?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, sometimes you just need to gain perspective again and kind of work on the correct mindset to be out here week in and week out and competing at such a high level in all sorts of conditions.

Sometimes you just need to take a step back, and being able to spend time with family and just connect back to where I grew up and relax for a couple weeks was really key.

Then I was able to come back out and get two victories pretty quick and some top finishes. I think I just really needed it earlier this year.

Q. Tough front nine, but where did you draw your confidence from as you came down the stretch with the three birdies late? Was there something specific you keyed in on?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, just the reminder that I wasn't out of it. I was playing poorly and I was still in it. That was really an important message to get through my head.

Brit was right there and just saying like, we can still do this; just hit some solid shots. I was just trying to make as many birdies as I could starting on 12. Didn't make any until 14, but then back to back, that felt really great.

Then the putt on 18 to just seal the victory felt clutch, and it was an amazing feeling surrounded by all those fans. I think on the back mine, like I said earlier, majors are won on the back nine on Sunday, and I was just trying to remind myself of that. Stay in it as long as I could and push towards the end.

Q. There were a couple putts out there that you took a full tour of the hole, saw the entire hole. Watching those go in, were you ever worried that this might not be the day?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, when I'm 3-over through 11 holes I'm thinking, this could go either way. I really needed to buckle down, because people are playing well. There was a huge bunch up right around 15, 16, 14 I think near the end there, so could have gone either way.

Just happy it went the way it did. I think when you win you kind of have breaks, like those putts going around. Or 15 I was in the first cut just a few inches away from the rough, where that's the difference between hitting the green in two and having to layup.

It's the little breaks that you get that make the difference in holding the trophy or finishing second or worse.

Q. Majors are special weeks, but you are a proud Rolex ambassador, and we have of course have an extensive Rolex presence here. How special is it to you to get to win this one for Rolex, who I know has been a supporter of you for a very long time?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yes, it's extremely special to have this win so close to headquarters. We had our Rolex family ambassador dinner a few nights ago. Being a Rolex ambassador is one of the proudest things that I have in my career, and so to get to win so close to home and get my second major championship, I feel like it's just the start of my career, so hopefully I can just keep winning events and keep getting better.

THE MODERATOR: Win No. 12 and it's just the start of your career. World, watch out.

Q. You mentioned this a little bit, but just how big is it going to be next month in Ottawa? I know I'm dying to get back for CP. What do you think it's bean be like next month?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I'm super excited. In 2017 when the CP Women's Open was held at the Ottawa Hunt where I'm an honorary member and only an hour from home, it was phenomenal.

Thursday morning there is usually not a ton of people, and I walked up to the first tee at 8:00 and it was lined. I was like, wow this is really cool.

To have so many family and friends and also just the entire Ottawa area and lost of Canadians out supporting and watching is going to be phenomenal.

Winning that championship back in 2018 was a huge highlight, so I would love to be able to do it again, especially so close to home.

Q. How many days did you eat crepes this week and how many did you have?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I had two every time, and like pretty big ones, and I think at least four times. Yeah, it was a lot. I made sure to go back there last night.

Q. Is there anything you want to say or can say to the Canadian fans who, quote, were hanging on every shot back home on a Sunday morning? What are your words to your fans back home?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yes, thank you so much for watching and supporting, and sorry for making it so interesting. Happy to get it done, and thank you so much.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much, Brooke. Congratulations. See you back here next year with your name on that trophy.


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