The Amundi Evian Championship

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Celine Boutier

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome back everyone inside the media center here at Amundi Evian Championship. Pleased to be joined by Celine Boutier.

Celine, welcome back to the France and the Evian Championship. How excited are you to start off the major week tomorrow?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, very excited to get started. Feel like the course is in amazing shape and had some good practice rounds, and ready to go for tomorrow.

Q. What is it about this week that's so special for you? Of course returning to France, but overall the entire week.

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, just being able to play in front of a French crowd is not something I'm really getting used to. I really don't get that opportunity quite a bit.

Then just being able to have my family here also with me makes it even more special.

Q. I was going to say, how many tickets have you requested for to week?

CELINE BOUTIER: Not this many. Just my family and I think that's the most important. I feel like they've always been super excited to come here. Just such a great environment.

Yeah, very cool tournament for us.

Q. What is it about prepping for a major championship? Any different for you than maybe some the regular events on tour? Especially now that we're on the European swing of the LPGA season, is there anything you do differently going into these events?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I feel like you have to be a little bit smarter with the strategy and just to make sure you practice on the right spots. I feel like because this tournament is always on this course you kind of get to know the course a little bit better year after year. I feel like you have to definitely get used to the grass a little bit.

The sand I think is different this year, so adjusting to this.

Q. (Question in French.)

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, definitely hasn't been easy. I got here o Monday morning so I tried to get the day going so I wouldn't fall asleep and sleep all day.

So I got maybe a bit of practice, two hours I think, and then the weather wasn't really cooperating.

So, yeah, just tried to get some practice. Got a good night rest on Monday night and then definitely the mornings are very tough to get up.

But I'm just trying to not think about the jet lag too much and try to adjust to the local time zone as much as I can.

Q. (Question in French.)

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I think this course is very demanding off the tee and especially also on the approach shots. I feel like in the past I haven't been able to, you know, play that well and have that many birdie opportunities to be honest, so I haven't been able to score very well.

I think the fact that it's in France also having a little bit more extra pressure that I put on myself. This week I'm really just trying to take it as a regular week and not really -- obviously you don't want to disappoint people and everything, but I feel like the best way for me to perform is to really not think about the fact that it means so much here and just try to take it as a regular tournament.

Q. The other questions that have come up for people coming off the LPGA, Evian is very hilly. How do you feel about that and the difference that you've experienced? I didn't quite see this before in other years that people are so concerned about the terrain and undulations.

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's not my first year playing here so I feel like I kind of know what you're not going to have even lies on this course. It's a lot of -- yeah, a lot of slopes and that's what makes it more difficult.

I feel like you have to control your ball flight quite a bit and especially on the greens because they're so slopey as well. You definitely have to be very smart and be able to adjust with the slopes for sure.

Q. So you don't think this is -- there is anything abnormal or it's not extreme the hills here? We have more hilly courses than this.

CELINE BOUTIER: I mean, it's definitely hillier than regular courses for sure. Then again, I feel like I've played it so many times that I'm kind of used to seeing or like playing on these lies if that makes sense.

Q. How was your trip in the United States? Was that good for you? What were the positives there?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it was a very solid week last week with my partner Yuka Saso. I feel like we both played very solid and it was very enjoyable to be able to play with a partner.

Hopefully that will be the start of a good stretch of weeks. Yeah, I feel very positive about that past week.

THE MODERATOR: We are officially one year out from the Olympic Games in Paris. It's very exciting that these weeks can contribute to be able to represent France once again at the Olympics. How much do you think about that knowing it's in Paris? Is that a goal for you as you look ahead to 2024?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's definitely been on my mind essentially since the last Olympic Games in 2021. I mean, I think the Olympic Games in Japan was already such an incredible experience for me, and to be able to experience that in my home country would be pretty incredible.

I feel like also very lucky because I know the course where it will be played at, so I feel like I'm really looking forward to it. Yeah, I am trying not to stress out about it too much. I think overall it's going to be a very positive experience.

Q. How much have you played that course before?

CELINE BOUTIER: Oh, quite a bit. I used to practice there full time with the Federation, so...

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