The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Celine Borge

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Celine Borge. Great round today, 4-under. Can you just talk us through your round and specifically some of those birdies you had out there in?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I managed to stay mostly in the fairway and hit the greens and then I had some good putts.

I holed a long one on 13, so that wasn't expected. But it went in so that was nice.

Q. And besides that long putt on 13, can you talk about your other birdies, too, what kind of led to those?

CELINE BORGE: So I hit a close one on 16, so that was like a tap-in birdie.

On 17 I had like a 10-footer and it went in.

Q. I believe 9 and 12 as well.

CELINE BORGE: 9 and 12, 9 I had -- I hit the green but it was short but I holed the putt.

And then on 12, yeah, I hit the fairway and a good approach shot.

Q. Awesome. Five great birdies there. This is your third major of the year, too. What has it been like learning from your past experiences at the majors this year? What did you bring into this week?

CELINE BORGE: Just be patient, that it's like difficult courses and just try to do your best in every shot and just see how it goes.

Q. Yeah. And last week you had a great performance with Polly Mack. What did you carry over from that tournament to this week?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, it's very nice to have a good result leading into this tournament, that you know you can be up there.

Q. What makes you so happy on the golf course? Is it the perspective of coming from Epson and knowing that you're here? Is it like you enjoy just playing golf?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, I think it's a lot of fun to play golf. Yeah. I think that's fun.

Q. How is it being back in Europe? Obviously spend a lot of time in the States. Being back over here...

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, it's very nice to come back to Europe, too. More what I'm used to.

Q. I was going to say, does this course -- is it similar to anything you've played previously?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, I actually played here before in tournaments in Europe, so it's nice to come back.

Q. And then you are an LPGA Tour rookie this year. You played with fellow LPGA Tour rookie Bailey Tardy as well. What was that like out there to be with another rookie?

CELINE BORGE: Oh, it's nice to play with someone that you have played with before and you know them.

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