The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Hannah Green. She shot 3-under today. Great round, especially the four birdies you had to finish. Can you just talk us through some of those holes and the momentum.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I holed a couple good par putts actually before the four birdies in a row, so I just felt very confident on the greens.

I did hit a couple close so that's always nice. But I really was struggling the first nine holes to even find the fairway and find the greens, so it was nice to finish under par today.

Q. And it sounds like your putting really helped out there. What can you talk about the greens?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, they're tricky. I mean, I think it's an advantage to have played this course more than once. Sometimes it's a good thing that you know which way it breaks, but sometimes you know where not to miss it and you miss it in the wrong places, if that makes sense.

But it's rolling really nice. I think this is probably the best the greens have been the last few years at least. So it's just, yeah, trying to put the best stroke on it and hopefully it goes in.

Q. How are you looking to use that momentum heading into the next round?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm kind of glad that I have a bit of time to recover. It's obviously a very hilly golf course. I'm going to enjoy my sleep-in tomorrow because it's the first one this week. Hopefully continue the momentum tomorrow and hit more greens.

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