The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Esther Henseleit

Quick Quotes

Q. Esther, very well done. Round of 4-under to start the week here. Started with a bogey, but after that, birdies for days. Talk me through your round.

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Yeah, played well. I hit many fairways, and feel like that's kind of the key out here, when you don't hit it you always in trouble.

Yeah, I hit a lot of fairways and greens. I think I only missed maybe two.

So, yeah, just pretty easy golf really. I didn't hole any long putts or anything. Just had good short birdie putts. I missed couple chances coming in, but it was a good day.

Q. And how is it being back in Europe and Evian?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: I always love coming back to Europe. I saw my family last week, and, yeah, this really isn't too far from Germany, so the food is always good. The weather is good as well, so I enjoy being back here.

Q. In terms of the challenge that this course presents, what is it like coming back to obviously a different course to what you get in the States?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Yeah, it's fun. I really like this course and I feel like every year I'm coming back I'm getting a bit better.

So it's a good challenge. As I said, just hit the fairways and you'll be fine. The greens are tricky, too, but they're rolling really nice, so you can have some chances and take advantage of that.

Q. What's the game plan going into tomorrow?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Just the same as today. Just keep hitting fairways, hitting good shots into the green. Miss it, if you do, on the right side. Just do what I did today.

Q. How have you felt that your game has been trending this season?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: I've been playing well. Yeah, slowly getting better. I've seen some results which is nice, and putting some good rounds together, so I'm confident with my game. I feel really good out on the course so I'm looking forward to it.

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