The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Eun-Hee Ji

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Eun-Hee Ji. Great round today, 4-under. Can you just talk us through your round and some of those birdies out there?

EUN-HEE JI: Actually, I change my putter this week, so first week with my new putter. That works really well I think.

Yeah, today I putted really well and, yeah, that's all.

Q. And you had a double out there today on your front nine. What was kind of the change in mentality after that to get back on track?

EUN-HEE JI: Actually, that was beginning of the round, so I didn't cost any mental process, so I just keep focus on my game, and, yeah.

Q. And then this is a major this week at the Evian Resort Golf Club. What can you say about the conditions out here?

EUN-HEE JI: Always perfect out here. Greens perfect and fairway and everything is perfect.

So today actually weather is perfect, too, so, yeah, perfect round.

Q. Yes, absolutely. What's the best thing outside of golf? What do you like about here?

EUN-HEE JI: Outside of the golf?

Q. Yeah.

EUN-HEE JI: I like the fruits out here, especially peach. I love peach, like red peach, really, really good. I always eat a lot.

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