The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Ally Ewing after a 4-under round. Congrats on a great round. Can you just walk us through some of the six birdies you had out there?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, it was a really solid day. We got off to a really good start. Rolled in like a 16-footer on 1, which birdieing the first hole is always kind of a good feeling.

And then rolled in a couple more putts on 5 and hit one really close on 6.

So just kind of steady makes you feel pretty confident with the remaining of your round. Yeah, hit some really good shots.

Lipped out on 17 and 18. Hit really good putts so it's just kind of what it is.

But really, really happy with the solid opening round.

Q. Yeah. And then a missed cut at KPMG but bounced back at the U.S. Women's Open. What did you do in between that time to prepare?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I mean, I had one -- I played solid the first round at KPMG and just kind of had like one of those days that comes around every so often. Yeah, missed the cut. I think I missed the cut by one at KPMG.

So it was one of those days where you're just like, it happens, golf happens. Aside from that round I feel like I played really sold golf from there.

U.S. Open was a good confidence boost to bring me into the last two majors of the season.

Q. Absolutely. And then what are you enjoying most about France, being here now?

ALLY EWING: I mean, the views are incredible. You just wind up and down this mountain, and we had great weather today, aside from on 18. The wind decided to just kick up really hard.

But it was a beautiful day, and good golf goes a long way on a beautiful day, too.

Q. Absolutely. What are you looking forward to most tomorrow?

ALLY EWING: Just another opportunity to tee it up and play competitive golf. I enjoy competing, and hopefully we get some good weather and I can walk around the course and enjoy the views, hit some good shots.

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