The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 28 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Patty Tavatanakit

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Patty, a 67 today. Just overall what was working so well and when did you kind of feel that click in momentum start picking up?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I just didn't really let any confidence down. I feel like I just kept it going, keep it light, and really trust in everything and it worked.

Q. You rebounded off the early bogey with a birdie immediately after. That's got to feel nice as you ripped through the rest of the holes there?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, for sure. Like it wasn't really perfect to start, but I kept hanging in there, and then that putt dropped on 12 really helped and changed a lot of things.

Q. How long was the putt on 12?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Don't remember.

Q. That's okay. I know we saw the nice birdie on the par-3. Just walk us through what was going on there.

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I would say that was pure luck because that was not the right club. You don't want to be there on that hole, but I -- that's just golf.

Q. That is golf. That's the way it is. What is it about this week that has brought out this side of you, especially on a day like today?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I feel like this place is very special to me. You know, played Palmer Cup here, played here as an amateur once, my freshman year of college. Just a lot of good memories. I love Europe.

The crowds are so nice and everything about it. Like the Evian water, the food, just makes me a little bit more happy.

Q. Playing this golf course and having that past experience, when you come here knowing how to play all the sidehill lies, how much of an advantage is that experience, do you think?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I think that's like a weekly adjustment. I feel like you're not always going to get a perfect lie out of every course you play, so as a professional golfer you just got to get adjusted and, you know, play to where you want to play.

Q. Kind of having your short game in your back pocket -- you missed it, but you missed it in the right places today -- having that short game in the back pocket that allows you to hole-out from bunkers, how much confidence does that give you when you do miss a shot? You're like, ah, I got this. I can get up and down.

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, it's just light when you feel more confidence about almost all aspects of your game. Just gives you a lot of room. Like ten yards become 15 easily, 20 becomes 30 easily. So it's just nice. There are some tough shots, but when you feel confident you just got to let it go and you know you can trust yourself that the dispersement is going to be tight.

Q. Finally from me, made the cut in the last few starts, and one of those one of those was a top 30 at Pebble Beach. Did that give you a lot of confidence? Seems like you've springboarded off that, at least to this point.

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, that was a really good week. I feel like -- well, my dad came, a lot of things changed. But I feel like I learned a lot from that week and I just kind of pick out the goods of that week and just keep it going.

I mean, I had a good week; just putts didn't drop. So a lot of positives, a lot of things to be confident about.

Q. When you say things changed, what do you mean?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I don't know. Just him being there. Just feel safe. I don't know.

Q. I like that. And you also talked about the good things you took from Pebble. When you look back at that week as kind of a reset for this season, what were the good things from Pebble that you took from the week?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: A lot of it was commitment, processing, self-talk, a little bit of the swing stuff.

But overall, it's like a hole now, you keep adding things to your recipe and it's just pretty good right now. Like the soup tastes good right now.

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