The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 28 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Alison Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Alison Lee; 5-under as of now. Just talk us through your round. I know you had a few bogeys, few birdies out there.

ALISON LEE: To be honest, shooting even par, it felt like really, really good round for me. There were -- I would say more than half my round the wind was blowing quite a bit and it was very, very tough.

I started on 10. Starting on 10 up until probably my 13th, 14th hole, was very, very windy, very stressful. A lot of the holes, especially with these pins that they were in today, it was very, very difficult.

But I made a lot really good par saves, so I'm honestly really, really happy with even par. No complaints.

Q. And with that in mind, how are you looking to approach tomorrow?

ALISON LEE: Honestly, every day is a new day. Today's conditions were very different than what I had yesterday, so I just have to kind of seize the day I guess and do whatever I can in that moment.

Yeah, I mean, today and yesterday conditions for me were night and day. There were a lot of tricky pins. Yeah, managed to stay confident. Made a lot of really good par saves.

Tomorrow honestly anything could happen. Given the day we had yesterday, I thought scores would continue to be low, but obviously today was really difficult. A lot of high scores today. Anything can change over the next few days. If it stays like this it's going to be really, really tough. Pars are really good. If there is no wind you got try and make birdies.

So no real game plan. Just got to work with what we have tomorrow.

Q. We're doing better today I assume since you have your suitcase now finally.

ALISON LEE: Yeah, yesterday was like my last fresh, clean shirt so it was nice to be able to wear clean clothes and not worry about anything.

Yeah, I mean, even though it was stressful, it was honestly kind of a blessing in disguise. I'm glad I got my suitcase. It kind of took the edge off the week because I felt like I had so many other things to worry about besides shooting a low round.

Yeah, when life throws that kind of stuff at you you got to take what you got and make the most of it.

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