The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 28 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Celine Boutier

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I am here with Celine Boutier as she is 7-under overall. Great round out there. How does it feel playing in your home country? You had a win this year already, but how do you stay calm and steady so you don't get nervous?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's definitely not easy. I feel like in the past I've definitely, you know, not handled it very well. I just feel like I put a lot of pressure on myself because I don't want to disappoint anybody.

If I learned anything from the past, I really have to just focus on the job and on the course, on each shot. I feel like that's really helped me really stay focused and not get ahead or think too much about the plans.

Q. How great is it to have all the fans out there though? Have you had any funny interactions with fans?

CELINE BOUTIER: Not really. Just really fun, you know, that they're cheering so hard for me. I feel like it's definitely fun when you're hitting good shots and you're making putts and stuff like that so I'm just trying to ride the wave and enjoy it.

Q. You had the birdie on 18. How does that help going into the weekend and riding that momentum?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, definitely very positive end to the round. I feel like I definitely left a lot of, you know, putts a little bit short and like didn't make that many birdies on the front especially.

So just definitely feels nice to be able to finish with a birdie, especially, you know, with the wind and stuff like that. It was not very easy.

Q. And what's the game plan heading into moving day?

CELINE BOUTIER: I think just the same. I feel like it's going to depend a lot on the conditions, and I feel like here to changes a lot, too. You just have to adapt very well.

I think we're expecting a little bit of wind as well, so I feel like you just got to, you know, be very patient and hit as many fairways and greens as possible.

Q. You are currently the clubhouse leader after 36 holes here. Today was a grinder of a day. Overall how do you feel walking off the golf course today?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, I mean, I feel definitely, you know, relief to be done, to be honest. It took forever so I'm just really glad to be done.

Looking forward to resting with my family and just eat something for dinner and just, yeah, recover as much as I can before tomorrow.

Q. What was the mindset going into today knowing the wind was going to be a lot gustier today than yesterday?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, definitely felt like today was a good opportunity because it was going to be tough, and I really tried to make sure I was committed to every single shot.

I feel like did I a pretty good job of that today, and I feel like that's definitely reflected in the score.

Q. What was definitely one of the most memorable birdies out there for you? What do you think kept that round together?

CELINE BOUTIER: I think there is definitely like the two birdies on 13 and 14 -- or is it 12 and 13? I came off a bogey on 11 and I was able to right it back with two birdies. That kind of really kept me going.

Q. For you to be able to walk off, see more media, we were just saying that you're having to speak French with all the French media out here for you. You said at the beginning of the week you're treating this week like any other week. How do you do that when you get off the course and you see this support around you?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, just try not to think about it. I feel like it's a positive thing that the French media is talking about women's golf and Evian. I feel like anything I can do to bring more attention to the tournament and women's golf in general is always a good thing.

Q. To be here on this stage, what will it take, do you think, tomorrow to truly take advantage of moving day knowing that conditions are going to be a lot different than the last two days?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, to be honest I'm not really sure what to expect tomorrow. I feel like the weather conditions change a lot. I just feel like you have to like adapt, and I think if it's going to be anything, you know, with like wind or rain, I feel like you definitely have to be very patient and stay focused on each shot at a time.

Q. For you, when not all the putts are falling, like you said, not as many birdies on the card as you would want, what do you say to yourself in that moment to be able to continue keeping that momentum when it's taking a little bit longer than maybe you would like?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's definitely easy to get impatient. I feel like I've tried to focus on the positive, which is that I have birdie opportunities and that my game is still pretty solid, even though I'm like you said, like missing a few putts.

I feel like this game is hard. You're not going to make everything. You definitely just try to focus on the positive side of things.

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