The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 28 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Brooke, I know an up-and-down day. Still to be in contention here as defending champion, going into a weekend like this, just overall how do you step off the course today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, today was super tough. It was very windy and this course is not meant for windy conditions, so really had to play as smart as we could out there.

Did make a lot of bogey, but made a lot of birdies too to counter, which is a nice feeling. It's exciting to be heading into the weekend not too far away and in contention.

Hopefully just make a bunch of birdies early and see if we can climb up a bit.

Q. What do you think clicked most today to keep you in contention?

BROOKE HENDERSON: My ball striking was good today. Gave myself a lot of looks. Didn't really make any short putts, but made a lot of long ones, so that's always a bonus.

You know, I think the game is really close. It's just right there, so hopefully can put it all together this weekend.

Q. Longest putt of the day?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I don't know. Just like -- there was like a few maybe like 20 to 30 feet that I don't necessarily make day-to-day, but I made a few of them today. Felt really good.

Q. You have been here a couple times. Have you ever played in wind like this before here or when is the last time you felt the conditions were like this?

BROOKE HENDERSON: The last time would be when this tournament was in the fall. When it was played in September it was usually cold and windy and very wet.

Since they moved it to the summer I don't think we've seen this kind of wind. So it was definitely a challenge to kind of adjust to, but hopefully the weekend will be a little less windy.

Q. I know there is some strong weather potentially coming; with Lake Geneva you never know what the weather could be from hour to hour. As you look to the weekend knowing you're still towards the top of the leaderboard, what do you take from these first two days?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was a little bit of a grind the last two days. If there is bad weather coming in I expect we're going to have to be pretty gritty and kind of grind it out, too.

It would be nice it sneak out and make a bunch of birdies and see if we can climb up closer to that lead going into Sunday's final round.

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