The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Nelly Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. A bogey-free day. Lowest round of the season. I mean, we have talked before about it all coming together, the work you put in. What was today like for you?

NELLY KORDA: Honestly, relieving. It was super nice to see all the hard work kind of pay off today. Obviously still have 18 more holes, anything can happen, but I made a push today on moving day, which I'm really happy about.

Q. Started off strong with the couple birdies there. When did you really feel the momentum pick up for you? When did it start clicking?

NELLY KORDA: Honestly, the entire round was just flowing really nicely. It was not like the momentum just set off at one point.

I hit a really nice drive on 1; wedged it really nicely and then rolled in.

And thank God I hit the back of the hole on No. 2 because I was coming in hot.

Other than that, like I think just the entire day was kind of flowing really nicely for me where I just capitalized on the good shots I was hitting.

Q. Truly able to take advantage of moving day. This is definitely a course where anyone can go low at any time. How satisfying is it for you to see every element come together?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, really nice. I think this is the type of golf course where you can be an inch from being really, really good and an inch from literally having an impossible shot.

That was me yesterday a couple times. On No. 8, the par-3, I hit it just a little right. I swear if I just had one inch of roll it would've been perfect maybe to five feet, and now I'm stuck with literally an impossible chip.

So I think that's just that type of golf course, and that's what makes it so hard.

Then obviously if you're on the other side of it, you can get a good round going, too.

Q. After the challenges of the last couple majors, this one has to feel super sweet.


Q. What did you adjust or maybe the confidence that win in London gave you before this week?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think London was really big. I've been practicing a lot on my swing. I think after the injury, it's funny, the game is just crazy -- the game of golf is just crazy. It's like one day you're just like autoing top 10s and then the next day you don't know how to make a cut, make a putt.

So you can have it and then you can lose it really fast. I think that's the beauty of it, too. That's kind of why I appreciate the game so much. Obviously having a week like I had in London after a little of a poor start after my injury was really, really nice.

Q. I know you kind of balked a little bit when I said you have played well here in the past. But to come to this golf course and have that prior knowledge, do you feel like you have a handle on what to expect here at Evian Resort Golf Club?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think it's like the golf course is like -- it's like where we used to play at Mission Hills. By the time like I turned pro I played it twice or three times, twice as an amateur. By the time I turned pro I kind of figured out where to miss and where not to.

The more you play this golf course the more knowledge I feel like you have about it, where to miss and whatnot, what bounces it's going to take. This year it's played a lot different than years prior where it's a little softer in the fairways and the rough is a little thicker.

So I think every year you have to adjust but the more you know about this golf course I think the better.

Q. Just a fun one. Birthday was yesterday.


Q. Belated birthday present. Did you do anything to calm down after that 73 yesterday?

NELLY KORDA: I actually celebrated the day before on Thursday because I was early/late. So I went to dinner with Jason, Caro, and Benton, baby Benton. And then Alison Lee joined as well. So we celebrated then.

I'm not a huge birthday person so just a quick dinner was nice.

Q. Having been out here, I know we are joking Auntie Nelly when he was first born. Have you been able to spoil the heck out of that kid like you were hoping to?

NELLY KORDA: This is my first week meeting him actually, so I'm sure we'll -- he's going to probably come out to Solheim and then the week after I'm playing an LET in France, too.

We'll get some good bonding time give the parents a date night. Benton and I will chill in the room, Uber Eats.

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