The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. Leona, a round of 67 on Day 3 here at Evian. Talk me through the birdie on the first.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, it was really nice. Got off to a good start. Always nice to birdie the first.

Yeah, birdied -- I'm trying to think. Seems so long ago now.

Then birdied, yeah, 5, 6, and then sort of a bonus chip in on 9 on the back there. Nice chip in there.

Overall pretty steady round. Feel like the course was set up a little easier today obviously than yesterday. You kind of had to try and be a bit more aggressive, try and take your chances.

Didn't quite play the par-5s as well as I would've liked, but overall any time you shoot under par around here it's pretty good.

Q. What did you think the strongest part of your game was today?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I putted really nice today. Finished with a three-putt, but other than that, putted really nice. Few nice birdie putts, gave myself a lot chances today, which was good, and bring that momentum into tomorrow.

Q. I was going to say we know you can come in here and do a good last and do a good final round. What are you plans and expectations?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think it all depends how the golf course is set up. If it's set up like today you have to go low, if it's set up like yesterday you have to be more conservative. Just have to see what we get tomorrow.

Overall I feel like it's a golf course you have to be very patient. There are a lot of bad bounces out there. Hit what I thought was the best drive of the day down 18 and got screwed with the lie in the rough.

Yeah, it's one of those golf course and you just try and stay patient and try and give yourself as many chances as possible.

Q. And the more you play it, are you getting used to it, or are there still things that happen every year that you're like, how did that happen?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I think it's still Evian is Evian. You just have to accept that you're going to get bad bounces and breaks and just try and hit as good a shots as you can.

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