The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Minjee, what a nice way to take advantage of moving day. How are you feeling after today's round?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, pretty solid. I feel like I've had something missing the first couple of days, and then today I still made two bogeys on 5 and 6 I think.

I finished the front nine strong and then had a good back nine, so, yeah, I think it was -- you could be a little bit more aggressive today just with the conditions, not much wind and obviously the 15th and the 18th being kind of reachable.

Q. 6 obviously you talk about the two birdies there. Able to rebound after that. To go bogey-free after those two bogeys, what did you do, what did you say to yourself to reset, rethink the rest of the holes?

MINJEE LEE: I think 7, the birdie there, it was a long putt so it was kind of -- it was like surprising that it went in and so I got into a little bit better mood.

Then made birdie on the par-3, which as of really good hole. Yeah, no, I just kind of fought back there and just had a good back nine.

Q. What were some of the memorable birdies for you on the back nine?

MINJEE LEE: On the back nine, I think 15 was pretty good. The chip, I didn't quite get to the green so I had like may be 23 or 25 meters. It was nice to hit one in close.

Obviously 18 is nice to birdie with the tee up.

Q. This event obviously as a past champion here, you definitely have the experience. How much does that come into play when you come back here?

MINJEE LEE: I think I've been here ten or so years or something. I also played as an am. Yeah, over the years you kind of get the lines right and the quirkiness of the greens a little more down pat so I think it's been helping.

Every year I come I feel like there is somewhere that I haven't been on the course before. No, it's good to have the experience under my belt.

Q. How satisfying is it to see a moving round like this come together knowing anything can happen tomorrow?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, no, I felt like it was kind of coming together, so hopefully I can keep the momentum going for tomorrow.

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