The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Nasa. To be right up in there at another major, how are you feeling after day three?

NASA HATAOKA: I was dialed in, especially front nine today, but unfortunately I was not able to make chances on back nine.

So hopefully get more birdies tomorrow.

Q. You had those four straight birdies. I mean, what was clicking? I know you've said, I still need to find some things in my swing and find some things in my putter. Walk me through the four straight birdies.

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, it was good iron shots and distance control. Then also was good to with my putting stroke, so was really comfortable.

Q. When did it start to click for you today?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, still my iron shots a little bit off, my direction, but this Evian golf course sometimes good to make birdie chance so it works good.

Q. Definitely a tricky day no matter what for a lot of people out there. How do you reset going into the final round?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, tomorrow is another new day, and I want to enjoy next 18 holes.

Q. What's the mindset going into tomorrow? We've seen you up there at the top of the leaderboard. What do you take from those past experiences as you head into tomorrow?

NASA HATAOKA: Still maybe three shots behind, but, yeah, tomorrow is a new day, so, yeah, I'm going to talk with Greg and do my thing.

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