The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Esther Henseleit

Quick Quotes

Q. Esther, round of 67 to finish the week here at Evian. How do you sum up the week?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Yeah, it was nice to finish out with a good one today, especially after my rough start today.

And overall, I would say I played really well. The second day just played really tough and yesterday I just couldn't really get it going. Didn't hit my irons great.

Today was much better, and yeah, I'm taking a lot of confidence from this finish.

Q. How was it adapting to the different conditions we've had across the week?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Yeah, this place is so tough when it gets windy, because you're always hitting into such small areas. You really need to keep it together and take advantage of the par-5s, but even they get tricky.

So, yeah. I managed it today. I mean, it's fun to play tough golf courses I think. It's great to battle it out.

Q. Looking like it will be your best finish in a major. How much confidence does this give you going into the next stretch of big events?

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Yeah, it's great to have this finish going into the next weeks here in Europe. As I said beginning of the week I feel really confident. I put a lot of work in over the last year to improve my game and compete in majors.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the next three weeks.

Q. What specifically have you done on the work to try and get yourself... (Wind interference.)

ESTHER HENSELEIT: Just when I started playing out here I realized, yeah, I need to work on my short game, putting, get better in every part of the game.

I feel like now it's coming together and I'm getting some good results.

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