The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Stephanie Kyriakou

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Steph after her first round at the Evian Championship. Just talk about the day you had out there today.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, today was good. It was definitely an early start, but it was nice to get out early, no wind. Weather was a lot cooler than what it is now. Yeah, played with Anne. Know Anne very well, so we had a little birdie match going on.

Yeah, overall it was a good day. Played well. Yeah, just a good day.

Q. Anything in particular that stuck out with your game today?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Not really. I would say it was quite boring. I would hit it and just hole the putt. That's always good. Boring is good sometimes. But, yeah, kind of just took those opportunities when I got them, those 10-footers, which always helps.

But, yeah, other than that, just solid.

Q. A lot of people have said boring is good in golf. How good is that to have that vibe at a major championship in the first round?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, it's good. It's good momentum to get it done nice and early. Yeah, still three days to go.

I know the weather tomorrow isn't going to be as nice, so just trying to stay patient and see where that takes us.

Q. You had an eagle on the card.


Q. Tell us about that hole and shot.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I had a wedge in and I think it one-bounced and went in. I didn't watch it, which is kind of annoying. Everyone started cheering and clapping and I was like, oh, that helps.

Q. This golf course kind of is so undulated out there. You have no flat lies. I don't think a ton of courses in Australia courses are like that. How do you prepare yourself? Maybe I'm wrong.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: No, Aussie courses are not like this, so you're right on that. I mean, I think probably sounds a bit silly, but I think now that I've played this course a few times, I kind of know what to expect and nothing is like really scary anymore with the lies.

But, yeah, I mean, I find it quite easy just to adjust. Like you know what it's happen, how the ball is going to come out, so, yeah.

Q. Anything you learned from the course today that you'll take to next three rounds?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I found the greens a bit tricky. I found the downhill ones very slippery and like sneaky. Yeah, kind of got me on a couple hole.

But, yeah, so just keeping that in mind tomorrow.

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