The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Lauren Coughlin

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Lauren Coughlin. Hey, way to start. Nice little round out here at Amundi Evian Championship. How you feeling about that first round?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, couldn't have asked for a much better start. Bogey-free is always good. I've never really played that well here, but I think I finally had a little bit different mindset of just take what the course will give me.

I hit the ball extremely well. I think I only missed one green today and that was by like an inch. Couldn't really ask for a better start.

Q. Unique venue with all the undulation on the fairway especially. What's the adjustments you have to make going week to week?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I think I struggled a lot in the past hitting off uneven lies, and talked with my husband, my coach, Terry, when he has been caddieing for me, something that I really needed to work on.

This last week I really focused on it, and I finally started figuring out how to hit the different lies and stuff. Like I said, I hit the ball extremely well today.

Q. Who is your coach? What do you two talk about when it comes to uneven lies?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: John Llewellyn. He's the husband of my college coach. He has been with me pretty much since I turned pro.

Yeah, just a lot of it is just don't try to fight it. Don't try to fight the slope. I figured out that need to almost like not thin it but a little bit, like when it's above my feet, and then like below my feet just squat a little bit more to get down to it.

Q. How much fun is it to be contending and playing so well and shooting rounds like you had today? You've had quite a few of them.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, made a lot of birdies this year. Just had to clean up some bogeys here and there. That's kind of been my whole thing. Made plenty of birdies this year. Just needed to clean up some stuff, and it helps, like I said, when I hit it as well as I did today, and putted extremely well, too.

Q. Putting out here, also tricky with those undulating greens. What are you really seeing with your lines? Really trying to pick your spots on the greens or is there something else?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, Terry McNamara has been caddieing for me the last five weeks and he was like, everything goes to the lake. Not just the lake, the town, especially city center where we're staying.

So really trying to make sure I'm taking that into account when I'm looking at what I an seeing and just trusting it. I've heard it in the past, but it's a lot hardier to put into practice.

Q. Finally, building off today, what do you take from the first three rounds? Maybe some success with the uneven lies as you look ahead to the next three rounds?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Again, there is still three more rounds. Obviously if I can keep playing like I'm playing, who knows.

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146181-1-1041 2024-07-11 10:56:00 GMT

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