The Amundi Evian Championship

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Angela Stanford

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Angela Stanford. I know not like the biggest news to you, but some big news to the rest of us. Last major this week at the Amundi Evian Championship. What are you feeling? What are the emotions right now?

ANGELA STANFORD: Well, it's been really good. I think I'm -- I've slowly been getting to a better place with this kind of being the final year on the LPGA Tour.

I got a little emotional when I was walking down. We started on No. 10 today. Got a little emotional going down No. 10. I got really emotional at ShopRite this year. So I hope that doesn't happen again.

I'm just bawling on the first tee on Sunday. I think I was playing with Hannah Green and I think she kind of looked at me like, what is happening?

So it's emotional but I feel like I'm in a place where it's like I'm happy, so they're good emotions.

Q. Why here especially? I know obviously your major quest was cut a little shorter than we would've hoped. Why here this year and this championship in particular?

ANGELA STANFORD: I think it kind of worked itself out that way. I've fallen way down in the Rolex Rankings, not that high in CME points. I can't play -- I'm not playing next week in Toledo if that's where they're still doing the British qualifier.

I'm not going to do a local qualifier for AIG.

It kind of worked out that way. I actually thought about signing up kind of last minute, but then this just feels like it's the perfect fit. Just play here and be finished.

Q. When you look back at that win, what hits you? I know you're mom was here. I don't want to make you cry, but I know that was such a special moment for you to get to do that in front of her.

ANGELA STANFORD: Yeah, well, so she was at home.

Q. My bad.

ANGELA STANFORD: But she came in '19.

Q. Okay. Got see the place where you had won your major. How cool was it to share that moment?

ANGELA STANFORD: That's the amazing thing about this tournament, is that when you win, like they kind of put your face everywhere. So it was really neat for my mom to come in '19. She saw all the posters and everything, so that was really cool.

And I don't know, this event, they just treat their champions really well. So I think that's why it does feel special because I did win, but just, I don't know. They just make you feel welcome.

So, yeah.

Q. Save the reflections for the end of the season, but as you reflect on what you have accomplished in major championships, becoming a major champion namely and playing in 98 straight majors, which is just wild to think about, what are do you reflect upon when you look back at that career?

ANGELA STANFORD: I think the thing that I'm most proud of is that I played so many. So this is 102 total, and I don't know how many females have played 100 majors. I was think Kerr is probably close. She had to have played more than 100.

But I can't imagine there are that many females that have played that many. So I think that, just the fact that I played at a high level. To play in 102 majors, played at pretty high level for a long time.

Yeah, I wish I could have won more. I should have won more probably. But year in and year out, you know, I did what it took to continue playing all these majors.

Q. What's your proudest moment, major or otherwise? I guess we're not going to say reflections then. What's your proudest moment? Do you even have one?

ANGELA STANFORD: I would have to think about it. I mean, obviously the major is special because of when it happened.

My proudest moment is probably winning again in 2008. I won in '03 and then I didn't win again until '08. That to me -- and I don't know if it's just me, but it's like, okay, you won the first one. I get my first one in '03, but it's like, then can you win again?

So winning again in '08, that really -- that was probably my most proud moment because it was like, not only was it five years later, but I proved to myself that that wasn't a fluke the first time around.


Q. You talk about playing at a high level. Still 3-under today. Tell me about your round. I guess go back to the tournament at hand.

ANGELA STANFORD: I think because I'm so comfortable on this golf course now, like I know when to be aggressive. I know if I get into trouble, the best place to be to save a par or keep it to a bogey, I know which flags to stay away from. I know which side of the fairways are -- if you're going to miss it, you need to miss it in this rough instead of that rough.

So I think that's it. I think it's just I've played this place so many times, and watching the two young ones that I played with today, I just think they're both going to win here probably at some point.

But I think you have to hit certain shots here and learn your lessons. And I've done that. I mean, on 15 today, I hit it in the rough by that bunker on my second shot. So third shot I'm in the rough.

I believe 2021 maybe, I took a huge number there. I was in that rough. But I knew exactly how to get out of in this time. So I think today is just about awareness. I'm just very aware where I'm supposed to be on this golf course.

Q. Last one from me just to put a bow on it: If you were to say something to major championship golf specifically -- and you've got probably plenty on the Legends Tour; I am assuming that's where you're going to be heading -- but from LPGA major championship golf, something to say to that or that part of your life, what would you say? Speak to that or how important it's been to you.

ANGELA STANFORD: It's meant the world to me. You hear people define their careers by majors. I think winning majors is obviously the ultimate, but for me, you know, I've always been about showing up and being consistent.

So I think the longevity of it I'm pretty proud of. Yeah, of course I wish I could have won more, but the fact that I got to play in this many, I mean, I would've never dreamed of that.

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