The Amundi Evian Championship

Friday, 12 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Albane Valenzuela

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Albane Valenzuela, just overall what you did take away from the second day here at Amundi Evian Championship.

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Obviously very happy. Under par here at Evian is always very exciting. Very good putting day for me and just excited for the weekend.

Q. What do you think you've built off the most after yesterday's round?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Definitely putting, I think. I just rolls some really good putts and I've been feeling pretty good on the greens and my ball striking with iron play has been really solid.

A little bit trickier off the tee, so I'm just going to have to work on that for the weekend.

Q. I think a lot of us were expecting inclement weather this morning. To be able to see some sunshine now, how are you feeling know the game plan may have been different going into today?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: I barely look at the weather forecast. I'm like, give me whatever. I just have to tee it up no matter what. So I mean, rain or sunshine, you just have to give your best.

I knew maybe could be a little bit softer out there so just adjusting to that. Yesterday was really hot and super firm, so that's the only difference.

Q. You talk about the putting. What were some of the highlight birdies out there for you?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: I think definitely No. 4 was really good. I just made a long putt.

And No. 7 I just push sliced my drive and I was trying to save par and hit an incredible hybrid almost 200 yards and made a great nine-footer.

That was a really good one.

Q. I was waiting at the van for you to come back and not only are your parents, friends here, family, everyone is here. Maybe very should have the Valenzuela van at this point. What is it like to have this kind of atmosphere every time you return to this event?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, this definitely feels like a home event. I love coming back to Evian. Have the whole family, boyfriend, agent who is like a friend. She's looking at me right now. And then a lot of family friends. So I can definitely feel the support from Switzerland and a lot of friends from home. Super exciting.

Q. How much more comfortable does that make this summer swing of events? You have a lot on the docket coming up including the Olympics. What does it mean to have a week like this that even though it's a major championship can feel like a refresher?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah it's hard to feel like a refresher. It's a little bit trickier than that. But I mean, I feel like my game has been pretty good for a while so it's just a matter of posting a score. Still struggling with a few things here and there but overall feel pretty good.

So I'm just excited for the year.

Q. As someone that had been back here time and time again what's the key to success on something like moving day at the top of the leaderboard.

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Putting and hitting fairways. That's definitely key out there. The rough is pretty thick, so if you're out of position it definitely gets pretty tricky.

There are some tough holes out there, so it's like every major championship. You're going to hear the boring hit fairways, hit greens and make putts. That's just about it.

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