The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Hye Jin Choi

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Hye-Jin after her second round at the Evian Championship. Second round completed; near the top of the leaderboard. Really moved up with the second round score. Talk about how it felt out there.

HYE JIN CHOI: It was my duty to play nine holes left because yesterday I finished nine holes. But I think that it was very important to get ready to play.

And the green speed was different from yesterday and today so I think it was the point to play today, yes.

Q. And did you complete No. 9 before the suspension of play? Still on No. 9?

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, No. 9 green.

Q. No. 9 green. So I saw you had a bogey on 9. I know it's a tough start to the back of the day, but how do you jump back for the last nine? You really moved up the leaderboard.

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, I start No. 9 green but it was like 15 yard putt, but I thought a little bit of slow yesterday so I hit it too hard so I left like three, four yards, so I make the three putt and bogey.

And then, yeah, I start not really great today, but I try to patient and it's work, yeah.

Q. Was there anything you were telling yourself heading into today to kind of get back?

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, I do.

Q. Any talks with your caddie or your coach or anything like that, specifically what you were trying to aim to do today coming back?

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, he said -- I had par No. 10. I missed green and make like four yard putt, and so he said, yeah, you have to patient. So I try, I try, and then I make long putt (indiscernible), and then it's really good.

Q. Nice. And talk a little bit about your thought process in between this short break we have before starting the third round.

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, so I have second breakfast, and, yeah, I take a little bit naps and then keep going.

Q. This isn't your first time here at this championship. Talk a little bit about what you've learned from past experiences here.

HYE JIN CHOI: I like this course. I really like this course, so when I come here I feel really good and I really enjoy here. Yeah, it's same.

Yeah, really good view and I like (indiscernible) too every day. I like everything.

Q. Is there anything about the golf course specifically? The greens or the fairways? Do you think they suit your game in any way?

HYE JIN CHOI: Yeah, but I felt little harder than last year because a little bit (indiscernible), but it's a little more soft green, but, yeah. I thought just help it fairways it's fine.

Q. That always helps.


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