The Amundi Evian Championship

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ally Ewing after her third round at the Evian Championship; 64. Just talk a little bit about how it went out there. Lots of birdies on the scorecard.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, so funny enough, it was a unique warmup just waiting for tee times. Mentally I had planned for 10:45, so was on the range for way longer than I usually would have. Just paced myself. Then I to the first hole and made a really good 10- to 12-footer for par, which to get out to a start like that.

And then I get to hole 12 and get up and down. I had to lay it up from the fairway bunker and made like a 10- to 12-footer for par.

I kind of just got rolling after that. Finally hit fairways. Trusted my ball striking. Was able to get some putts to roll in.

And, yeah, really happy with the day.

Q. And what kind of confidence does that give you headed into the next round as well, just seeing a lot of those putts drop especially out here at a major championship course?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think it means a lot. This golf course, you're certainly going to get some holes you can get it close, but there are pins that they can tuck into just like these little small little bowls or tiers or whatever.

Like the hole on 1, you've just got such a small margin for miss to actually have a really good look for birdie. So it's kind of a patience game. If you're able to roll in a couple of 20-footers or something like that, it certainly is good fuel for your day to see some putts like that go in.

Yeah, excited for tomorrow. I don't know where I'll be at the end of the day, but it's another Sunday at a major that hopefully I can close well.

Q. We were just talking about one of your lowest rounds, if not the lowest round out here on the LPGA. You've had a lot of great finishes. What's it like to see that score as well after putting in all the work?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think any time you get an under-par score at a major it feels really good. Evian is very unique in terms of our major championships, so you probably see more lower scores here and there here at this golf course.

But it's also such a fine line from really good golf to a couple bounces -- I had some really fortunate bounces today on a couple shots that led to good birdies. But on a different golf course, they might have ended up in the bunker or something like that.

So good (indiscernible) is good occasionally, but certainly good golf takes care of itself out here.

Q. How much are you leaning on Kurt, too? The greens are unreal, undulated.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, funny enough, my entire professional career I've been a solo green reader, so I read greens by myself. I rely a lot on AimPoint. You can get -- I think the greens are really tricky too because you're on the side of a mountain.

You look down and there is lake however far down and look up and there is just mountains, so it can be kind of easy to get thrown off if you just use your eyes.

So I lean a lot on my AimPoint that I use on a weekly basis.

Q. That's pretty cool. What's been hitting differently for you physically and mentally out here? You've played stellar golf in the last month and a half.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I just feel -- I don't know if chill is a really good word, but a lot of trust and patience in my game. Good golf happens, but certainly bad shots are going to come. I'm not expecting to go play a perfect round.

So just enjoying myself, enjoying my walks. Kurt and I are really good course managers, so assessing when risk is worth it and just being really smart about that.

I think -- like I said, I've always trusted my ball striking, but seeing putts go in the last month or so has been really good for my confidence.

Q. What does it mean to you to be able to translate your game from a place like Lancaster to a place like Sahalee to a place like Evian? What does that tell you about just how good your ball striking or putting is at this point in the season?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I feel like -- it took me a long time to win on tour. Took me probably even a long time to just kind of feel comfortable and settle in. I would probably even say I was a late bloomer for college golf, be too.

Yeah, I think it's just kind of trusting my game and knowing what that looks like. Not trying to be someone else. Not feel like I have to do more than I have.

It's just kind of knowing what my game is capable of and then just let it happen. Don't try to force anything. And certainly, yeah, I've been playing great golf. I think that's just fact.

I acknowledge that, so that doesn't guarantee a good score tomorrow. Each day is going to be completely different. Certainly carry a lot of confidence into tomorrow.

Q. Going into tomorrow, you don't ever want to lose a top 10 in a major, but really going for broke at this point. You're chasing, trying to make up some ground. Do you let yourself attack a little bit more, have a little bit more of that go-for-broke mentality or stick to the game plan, keep the Ps and Qs?

ALLY EWING: Not really. I use Decade Golf. I warm up with a metronome. I do a lot of weird things. But like I use Decade Golf on the golf course and basically assesses the yardage and what you're kind of -- if you think your shotgun pattern, what your miss is, and you just kind of play to really smart numbers.

Now, this golf course, like you said, is unique, so there are certainly holes and hole locations where I might be more aggressive. If it tells me to look three, four yard, five yards right of it, it's what I'm going to do.

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