The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Angela Stanford

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Angela Stanford. Just describe the emotions of today and what that final walk meant.

ANGELA STANFORD: I did really good all day. I kept it under wraps. I was grateful all day.

And then I crossed that bridge on 18 and it just -- water works. And I'm a crier, so once I start I can't stop.

So it's so hard. All day I knew it was the end, but until it's "the end," you just -- but at the same time, I'm okay. Like I'm happy.

Took a lot of work to get here, but, yeah, then I couldn't control it and I got shaky. You know, you don't want to bogey, but I'm never going to remember that.

Q. Well, and had Jacques waiting off the green with some flowers. What does this tournament, what have they meant to you obviously with your major win here?

ANGELA STANFORD: That was so nice. Like I didn't expect anything, and for him to be there, and I just -- and he's been very -- like this whole week he's been, you're part of the family. You're one of ours. It just means so much.

I think when you win a major, you should be in that sorority of winners. But for that specific event, I've always said Evian treats their major winners better than anybody.

So they're always happy to see me, and I said to them -- when I turned around and people were nice enough to clap, I said, they've made my part of their family. So it's really nice.

I mean, I'm not from France and they've always cheered for me, they've always supported me. So this is a perfect place for me to end my major.

Q. You can smack me on this one, did you feel your mom today at all?

ANGELA STANFORD: Yeah, you know, it's been the whole week, and it's funny. I felt her a lot yesterday. I think it's -- sometimes when it's the hardest times it's when she shows up the most. So it's good.

Yeah, she's cheering in heaven.

Q. For you, I know we still have a lot of goodbyes to say, but to have one final major, like what has that meant to you? If there is a message you could just send to your fans, your French fans, people that have followed your major streak all these years, what would you say?

ANGELA STANFORD: Thank you. Thank you for supporting me, cheering me on. I said a long time ago, I always made a joke when I would play with Annika or Lorena or play with Juli, you know, people always showed up to see them.

I always said, I'm stealing their fans. I'm going to steal those fans. And so I think I've been here for 18 years, and I think it just overtime they've grown to love me here.

So I'm grateful for everybody's sport. Grateful for -- I think the thing all day, like I think I was on 11 and I was like, I have eight more holes.

So eight more holes in a span of how many have I played? I don't even know. And I'm down to the last eight, then down to the last six, then I was on the last tee and I'm like, this is the last major hole I'm going to play.

So I'm so grateful for everybody that has been along for the ride and always cheered, even it was just like, you know, we're actually here to watch somebody else but we're cheering for you too.

Hopefully I won some people over.

Q. Really cool moment with Brooke Henderson. I'm sure kind of a cool moment for you, too. What does it mean to see players like that and see this next generation that you've really inspired?

ANGELA STANFORD: Yeah, that was really cool. And Gaby said something to me on the course, too. Same kind of thing I just said. She watched Lorena growing up and I was kind of in that time when I was playing against Lorena. She just happened to watch me, too.

So I think for other players to say anything or -- because it's hard. You don't know what to say. I didn't know what to say to the older ladies. But for them to say anything and for Brooke to want a picture, that really meant a lot.

Coming from your peers, that's the highest.

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