The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress.)

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was really nice to have two eagles today on 9 and 18. I was over par on both situations so nice to get it back to level.

I wish I could have made a few more putts this weekend. Feel like I kind of climbed the leaderboard a bit more. At the same time, trying to take the positives.

I've been hitting the ball really well, and hopefully continue that the rest of the year.

Q. That the feeling, the putter is...

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think so. I'm giving myself so many great opportunities and just not capitalizing as much as I would like. I am really excited and happy I'm hitting so many greens and giving myself so many good birdie looked.

Like I said, hopefully that just continues and make a few putts and hopefully it will be a great end to the season.

Q. Are there lessons from the week that you can take?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I feel like any time you play a major championship it's going to play really tough. You're kind of reminded that you have to stay patient and really persevere when things aren't going that well. Definitely got that reminder a few times this week.

Yeah, just trying to take a few things that I learned and continue to grow and get better.

Q. Things you're looking forward to?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's amazing. The next few weeks, Canadian Open is next for me, which is always a lot fun, so many amazing fans, and I am really looking forward to playing in front of them.

Olympics soon after that.

British Open at St Andrews. I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to play at home of golf. That's so cool. So many great things coming up and just trying to peak for them.

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